'The Seine at the Pont National', 1915. Artist: Auguste Lepere.

'The Seine at the Pont National', 1915. Artist: Auguste Lepere.

2-623-667 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

'The Seine at the Pont National', 1915. From Paris Past and Present. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1915]

Image Details

People Information

  1. Auguste Lepere, attributed to: French: Artist, painter and printmaker

  1. Etching

Picture Type
  1. Landscape

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe France Île-de-France Paris

  1. 48 52 00 N , 002 20 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Science & Nature Weather & Seasons

Science & Nature Plant Life

Artistic Representations Landscapes

Locations & Buildings Bridges

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4144x2765
File Size : 33,569kb


  1. 0580034329
  1. 2-623-667
  1. 2623667

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