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10pages, 555 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Napoleon Bonaparte I"Advanced Search
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Napoleon at the Great St. Bernard Pass, 1801. Creator: Jacques-Louis David.
Napoleon I as First Consul of the French Republic, 1800. Creator: Antonio Canova.
1814, (1862).  Creator: Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier.
Napoleon I, 1812; Frame: 1808. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Isabey.
1813, 1836. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
1813, 1836. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
The Storming of Leipzig, 1818. Creator: Per Krafft the Younger.
Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France, late 18th-early 19th century. Creator: Jean Baptiste Jacques Augustin.
Napoleon I, 1769-1821, Emperor of France, c1798. Creator: Anon.
AI IMAGE - A portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, early 19th century, (2023). Creator: Heritage Images.
The Generals Napoleon and Berthier, 1801. Creator: Juriaan Andriessen.
Cartoon of Napoleon: Klaas Bonaparte in his study on the island of Elba, 1814, 1814. Creator: Wijnand Esser.
Cartoon on the Tiercering of 1810, 1810-1812. Creator: Jacob Smies.
Cartoon on the retreat of Napoleon from Russia, 1812-1814. Creator: Jacob Smies.
Emperor Napoleon I and his staff on horseback, 1810-1850. Creator: Emile Jean-Horace Vernet.
Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I, c.1805-c.1815. Creator: Workshop of François Gérard.
Napoleon with his Staff, 1840-1850. Creator: Charles Rochussen.
The Return to France, 1841. Creator: François-Joseph-Aimé de Lemud.
Napoleon in Battle, from The Political and Military Life of Napoleon, 1822–26. Creator: A. Champion.
Napoleon the Great, 1808. Creator: Auguste Gaspard Louis Desnoyers.
Bonaparte Reviewing the Consular Guard (La Revue du Quintidi). Creator: Charles Turner.
A Frontispiece to the New Red Book, published June 13, 1816. Creator: William Heath.
A boy of the first empire, c1895. Creator: Unknown.
Madame Sans-Gêne, c1895. Creator: Unknown.
The success of the year [..] Napoleon, c1895 - 1911. Creator: Unknown.
All the world loves a hero [..] Napoleon, c1895 - 1911. Creator: Unknown.
Napoleon, after 1835. Creator: Unknown.
La Félicité de la France, 1810/14.  Creator: Unknown.
Napoleon I and Captain Elphinstone (Napoleon I et le Capitaine Elphinstone), 1859. Creator: Gerhardus Emaus De Micault.
Affiche pour "The Century Magazine", "Napoléon"., c1898. Creator: Eugene Samuel Grasset.
Napoleon Accompanied by his Good Men, Returning to France on March 1, 1815, March 20, 1815. Creator: Francois Pascal Simon Gerard.
Napoleon in the Chamber of Deputies, from the Political and Military Life of Napoleon, 1822/26. Creator: Charles Etienne Pierre Motte.
Sketch for the Denon pavilion at the Louvre: the four artistic ages of France..., c.1864.  Creator: Charles Louis Lucien Muller.
Esquisse pour l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris : Apothéose de Napoléon Ier, end of 1853. Creator: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
Le cortège impérial se rendant à Notre-Dame pour la cérémonie du sacre, le 2 décembre 1804..., 1805. Creator: Jacques Bertaux.
Napoleon I in the uniform of the National Guard, 1812. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Isabey.
Arrival of Napoleon's ashes on the Esplanade des Invalides, December 15, 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Le Desire' of France. Portrait of Louis XVIII and hidden portrait of Napoleon, c1815. Creator: Unknown.
The emperor visiting the hall of wines and brandy. (Paris wine hall), 1811. Creator: Etienne Bouhot.
Napoleon I's wedding meal in Tuileries on April 2, 1810, c1805 — 1815. Creator: Alexandre Dufay.
Portrait of Napoleon I (1769-1821), in the uniform of a Colonel of the cavalry of the Guard, 1809. Creator: Robert Lefevre.
Portrait of Bonaparte (1769-1821), first consul, between 1799 and 1804. Creator: Piat Joseph Sauvage.
Apotheosis of Napoleon. Napoleon on the rock of Saint Helena, between 1821 and 1863. Creator: Emile Jean-Horace Vernet.
Landing of Napoleon I ashes in Courbevoie, December 15, 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Saule Pleureur Imperiale with hidden silhouettes of Napoleon and his family, 1830-50., 1830-50. Creator: Anon.
Le Retour de L'Ile d'Elbe (The Return from the Isle of Elba) (Furnishing Fabric), Nantes, c. 1830. Creator: Favre-Petitpierre et Cie.
Napoleon, n.d. Creator: Jean-Baptiste de Grateloup.
Napoleon, n.d. Creator: Jean-Baptiste de Grateloup.
The Happy Effects of that Grand System of Shutting Ports Against the English!!, pub. Oct 1, 1808. Creator: Isaac Cruikshank.
Profile of Napoleon, c. 1810. Creator: Jacques-Louis David.
Boney Forsaken by his Guardian Genius, 1814. Creator: Charles Williams.
Le Retour de L'Ile d'Elbe (The Return from the Isle of Elba) (Furnishing Fabric), Nantes, c. 1830. Creator: Favre-Petitpierre et Cie.
Napoleon Entering Cairo, c. 1900. Creator: Jean-Leon Gerome.
Death Mask of Napoleon, modeled 1821 (cast 1833). Creators: Louis Richard, E. Quesnel.
Napoleon Toby Mug, c. 1939. Creator: Grace Halpin.
Napoleon I, 1807 Creator: Philibert Louis Debucourt.
The God of Good People from The Complete Works of Béranger, 1836. Creators: Auguste Raffet, Lacoste, Eugène Guillaumot.
Imperial Jump-rope (Le Sauteur impérial, grand faiseur de tour), July 1815. Creator: Friedrich August Mottu.
Memories of the People from The Complete Works of Béranger, 1836. Creators: Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard, Lacoste.