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2pages, 64 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Henry V"Advanced Search
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Portrait of Heinrich V (1479-1552), Duke of Mecklenburg. Creator: Jacopo de' Barbari.
'Henry V', (c1911). Creator: Unknown.
King Henry Condemning Cambridge, Scroop and Northumberland, 1798. Creator: Robert Thew.
The Conclusion of the Treaty of Troye, Where Henry the V, King of England, Receives the Pr..., 1788. Creator: R. Gerard.
The Palace at Westminster: King Henry and the Prince of Wal..., first published 1795; reissued 1852. Creator: Robert Thew.
'Henry V', (1386-1422), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
Henry V is hit by lightning in the imperial house at Goslar, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
'The Battle of Agincourt', (1415), 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'Henry Prince of Wales taking the crown from off the pillow of this father Henry IV', 1773.  Creator: William Walker.
'The Battle of Agincourt named by Henry V', 1773.  Creator: Charles Grignion.
'Henry V', 1773.  Creator: Charles Grignion.
'Costumes of Men and Women as Worn in the Period When Henry V Reigned', c1934. Artist: Unknown.
'Henry V', 1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Henry V', 1856. Artist: Alfred Crowquill.
'Henry inspecting his Troops before the Battle of Agincourt', c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech.
King Henry V of England, (1387-1422), circa mid 16th century. Artist: Unknown.
'Henry V', 1788. Artist: Unknown.
'The King attacked by the Duke of Alencon', 1415 (18640. Artist: James William Edmund Doyle.
'Charles and Henry welcomed by the clergy', 1420 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle.
'Unseemly conduct of Henry, Prince of Wales', c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech.
'In full feather', c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech.
'Henry V. sends a friend to the Dauphin', c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech.
'Henry inspecting his Troops before the Battle of Agincourt', c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech.
'The Duke of Burgundy introducing Queen Isabella to Henry V', c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech.
'Henry and Alencon at Agincourt', 25 October 1415, (c1880). Artist: Unknown.
Henry V, King of England from 1413, (1932). Artist: Rosalind Thornycroft.
'Henry, Prince of Wales 1412-13', 1926. Artist: Herbert Norris.
King Henry V, 1785.  Artist: Anon.
Henry, Prince of Wales taking the Crown from the pillow of his father Henry IV, 1413 (1793). Artist: Unknown.
'Dat Is As It Sall Please De Roi Mon Pere', c1875. Artists: William Shakespeare, Robert Charles Dudley.
Embarkation of King Henry the Fifth at Southampton. A.D. 1415, 1850. Artist: John Leech
Portraits and Dresses of The Kings of England with coats of Arms, 1784 Artist: Webley and Scott Ltd.
Occleve the poet and King Henry V, c1410, (1910). Artist: Unknown
Henry V, King of England, (c1850). Artist: Unknown
Henry V, King of England. Artist: Unknown
Henry V, King of England, (1803).Artist: J Chapman
Henry V, King of England. Artist: Unknown
Henry V, King of England, (1788).Artist: IK Sherwin
Henry V, King of England.Artist: George Vertue
Henry V, King of England. Artist: Unknown
Henry V, King of England. Artist: Unknown
Henry V, King of England.Artist: P Vanderbanck
Henry V, King of England. Artist: Unknown
Henry V, King of England.Artist: Goldar
Henry V, King of England, (c1850). Artist: Unknown
Occleve presenting his book to Henry V, c1410, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
King Henry V. Artist: Unknown
Henry V, King of England from 1413, (1932). Artist: Rosalind Thornycroft
'Marriage Of Henry V', 1420, (c1850). Artist: Unknown
Henry V of England attacked by the Duke of Alencon at the Battle of Agincourt, 1415 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
Charles VI of France and Henry V of England welcomed by the clergy, Paris, 1420 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
Battle of Agincourt, France, 25 October 1415, (19th century). Artist: Unknown
The funeral procession of King Henry V, 1422. Artist: Unknown
King Henry V (1387-14220), before Harfleur, 19th century.Artist: Richard Westall
King Henry V (1387-1422), early 19th century.Artist: Thomas Cook
The parliament of King Henry V (1387-1422). Artist: Unknown
The funeral procession of King Henry V, 1422. Artist: Unknown
King Henry V (1387-1422) and the Sire de Helly at Agincourt, 1415. Artist: Unknown
King Henry V (1387-1422) when he was the Prince of Wales. Artist: Unknown
Death of Henry V, 1422 (1790).Artist: Bromley