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2pages, 62 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Franklin D Roosevelt"Advanced Search
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Franklin D. Roosevelt, about 1932. Creator: Vincenzo Laviosa.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, about 1932. Creator: Vincenzo Laviosa.
Winston Churchill Handing Franklin D. Roosevelt a Piece of Paper, 1941. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Giving a Speech, 1942. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt Talking to the Press, 1943. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Stands on Crutches Besides Democrat Al Smith and Another Man, 1924. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Close up of Franklin D. Roosevelt Standing on Crutches Besides Democrat Al Smith and Another...,1924 Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
American Politician Franklin Delano Roosevelt Laughing as People Around Him Are Jumping..., 1921. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Herbert Hoover, the Former President, Leaving the White House..., 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin D Roosevelt, the President of the United States Standing Next to a Senior...,1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin D Roosevelt, the President of the United States, Giving a Speech, 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Future President of the United States, in a Car, 1932 Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin D Roosevelt, One of the Democratic Presidential Candidates, and Family, 1932. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin D Roosevelt, One of the Democratic Presidential Candidates, and Family, 1932. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Presidential Candidate Franklin D Roosevelt Listening To the Actor Will Rogers Pledging..., 1932. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin D Roosevelt, One of the Democratic Presidential Candidates, and Family, 1932. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin D Roosevelt, One of the Democratic Presidential Candidates, and Family, 1932. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Franklin D Roosevelt Talking To the Press, 1932. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
President Franklin D Roosevelt Signing Papers Behind a Desk, 1930s. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
AI IMAGE - Portrait of Franklin D Rosevelt, 1940s, (2023). Creator: Heritage Images.
AI IMAGE - Portrait of Franklin D Rosevelt, 1940s, (2023). Creator: Heritage Images.
AI IMAGE - Portrait of Franklin D Rosevelt, 1940s, (2023). Creator: Heritage Images.
Marine Corps Rifle Range, F.D. Roosevelt And F.K. Lane, Firing, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Marine Corps Rifle Range, N.D. Baker; F.D. Roosevelt; F.K. Lane; C.S. Vrooman, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Robert Jackson Sworn in As Justice, Washington, D.C. July 11 1941. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Flag Day, Washington DC, 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Flag Day - Flag Day Exercises, State, War And Navy Building. Wilson Speaking..., 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Flag Day - Flag Day Exercises, State, War And Navy Building. Wilson Speaking..., 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Flag Day - Flag Day Exercises, State, War And Navy Building. Wilson Speaking..., 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Flag Day - Flag Day Exercises, State, War And Navy Building. Wilson Speaking..., 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Navy Department, U.S. Navy Department Chiefs - Heads: Adm. Strauss, Chief of Ordnance..., 1916. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, between 1913 and 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Johnnie Lew, owner of the laundry under the apartment of Mrs. Ella..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Interior of a Chinese laundry located under the apartment of..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Interior of house being wrecked on Independence Avenue, Washington, D.C, 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Franklin D. Roosevelt at Langley Research Center, Virginia, USA, July 29, 1940. Creator: NASA.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, c. 1933. Creator: Ellen Emmet Rand.
'Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United States at His Desk in the Executive Offices, Was Creator: Unknown.
'President Benes visits F. D. Roosevelt in 1942', (1947). Creator: Unknown.
'American President and British Premier', 14 August 1941, (1945). Creator: Unknown.
'Allied Conference at Casablanca, French Morocco', January 1943, (1945). Creator: Unknown.
'Allied Leaders Confer in Cairo', November 1943, (1945). Creator: Unknown.
'"Big Three" Conference in the Crimea', February 1945. Creator: Unknown.
''Henri Giraud and de Gaulle during the Casablanca Conference, January, 1943, (1945). Artist: Unknown.
'The Big Three met at Teheran', 1943, (1945). Artist: Unknown.
'Architects of Victory: Historic meeting between Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of t
'Iceland visit. Churchill - with Ensign Franklin D. Roosevelt Jnr. following - saluting the Stars an
'Fourth Churchill-Roosevelt Conference', 1943-44. Artist: Unknown.
'East Meets West in Pacific Victory Conclave', 1943-44. Artist: Unknown.
Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meeting in Quebec, Canada, 1944. Artist: Unknown
Yalta Conference of Allied leaders, World War II, 4-11 February 1945. Artist: Unknown
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States, (mid 20th century).Artist: Gordon Ross
Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meeting in Quebec, Canada, 1944. Artist: Unknown
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd President of the USA 1932-1945, c1943. Artist: Unknown
President and Mrs Roosevelt at the Chicago World's Fair, Illinois, USA, 1933. Artist: Unknown
The Yalta Conference, Crimea, USSR, 4-11 February, 1945.  Artist: Anon
Conference of the Allied leaders, Yalta, Crimea, USSR, February 1945. Artist: Anon
Franklin D Roosevelt at the Democratic Party Convention, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1933. Artist: Unknown
President Roosevelt, returning to Miami, Florida, USA, after a fishing trip, 13 April, 1934. Artist: Unknown