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The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
Long Water and the Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
Long Water and the Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c1990-c2002. Artist: John Critchley.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c1990-c2002. Artist: John Critchley.
Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Berkshire, c2011-c2017. Artist: Patricia Payne.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
Pavilion and Long Water at Wrest Park Gardens, Silsoe, Berkshire, c2000-c2017. Artist: Matt Munro.
'Prince Albert', 1886. Artist: G Levy.
'Cromwell at the Battle of Marston Moor', 1886. Artist: John J Crew.
'Celtic Relics. Personal Ornaments of Gold and Bronze', 1886. Artist: Charles Lawrie.
'Anglo-Saxon Relics. Personal Ornaments of Gold and Bronze', 1886. Artist: Robert Anderson.
'Relics Associated with Thomas A Becket', 1886. Artist: Charles Lawrie.
'Richard Coeur De Lion Forgiving Bertrand De Gurdun', 1886. Artist: Thomas Brown.
'Lord Saye and Sele Brought Before Jack Cade', 1886. Artist: W Ridgway.
'Introduction of the Art of Printing', 1886. Artist: W Ridgway.
'Wycliffe on his Sick-Bed Assailed by the Friars', 1886. Artist: Herbert K Bourne.
'Relics Associated with Henry VIII', 1882, (1886). Artists: Robert Anderson, Charles Lawrie.
'Cranmer at the Traitor's Gate', 1886. Artist: CW Sharpe.
'Relics Associated with Queen Elizabeth', 1886. Artist: William Home Lizars.
''The Gunpowder Plot', 1886. Artist: CF Merckel.
'Cromwell at the Battle of Marston Moor', 1886. Artist: John J Crew.
'Charles I. in the Guard-Room', 1886. Artist: Herbert K Bourne.
'Charles II', 1886. Artist: Herbert Bourne.
'Lord William Russell Receiving the Sacrament', 1886. Artist: Robert Anderson.
'Arrest of Alice Lisle for sheltering fugitives from the Battle of Sedgemoor, 1685', 1886. Artist: Charles Lawrie.
'James II', 1886. Artist: Thomas Browne.
'The Crown Offered to William and Mary, 1689', 1886. Artist: Herbert Bourne.
'The Escape of Lord Nithsdale from the Tower, 1716', 1886. Artist: P Fraenkel.
'The Death of General Wolfe on the Heights of Abraham, Quebec, 13th September 1759', 1886. Artist: Thomas Brown.
'Prince Albert', 1886. Artist: G Levy.
'Sunday in the Backwoods of Canada', 1886. Artist: F Lefrancq.
'The Bombardment of Algiers by Lord Exmouth in 1816', (1878).  Artist: Thomas Brown.
'The Battle of the Nile', 1798 (1878). Artist: Charles Lawrie.
'The Defence of Saragoosa, 1808-9', (1878). Artist: William Home Lizars.
'The Battle of La Hogue', 1692 (1878). Artist: W Ridgway.
'The Death of Major Peirson at St. Heliers', 1781 (1878). Artist: JJ Crew.
'The Release of the Seven Bishops', 1688 (1878). Artist: Herbert Bourne.
'Relics of Prince Charles Edward. The Great Pretender', (1878). Artist: Charles Lawrie.
'King Alfred Inciting The Anglo Saxons', (1878). Artist: Herbert Bourne.
'Mary Queen of Scots Compelled To Sign Her Abdication in Lochleven Castle, 1567', (1878). Artist: Thomas Brown.
'Coronation of Harold King of the Anglo-Saxons, A.D. 1066', (1878). Artist: W Ridgway.
'The Son's of Edward IV Parted from their Mother, by Richard Duke of Gloucester, June 16th 1483', ( Artist: W Ridgway.
'The First Meeting of Prince Charles with Flora Macdonald', 1747 (1878). Artist: Robert Anderson.
'The Press-Gang: Seizing a Waterman on Tower Hill on the Morning of His Marriage', (1878). Artists: Alexander Johnston, Robert Anderson.
'Sir David Baird Discovering the Body of Tippoo Sultaun', 1799 (1878). Artist: M Nargert.
'The Marquis of Montrose at the Place of Execution', 1650 (1878). Artist: T Bauer.
'The Baptism of Ethelbert King of Kent', 597 (1878). Artist: Robert Anderson.
'Sir Thomas More and his Daughter Margaret', (1878). Artist: Robert Anderson.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park House and Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, 2011.  Artist: Historic England Staff Photographer.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park House and Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, 2011.  Artist: Historic England Staff Photographer.
The Pavilion, Wrest Park House and Gardens, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, 2003.  Artist: Unknown.
William Ewart Gladstone, British statesman, 1883 (1936). Artist: Unknown.
Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, 1844 (1936). Artist: Unknown.