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2pages, 85 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Daniel John Pound"Advanced Search
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'Henry W. Acland, Esq. .D. F.R.S. &c', 1850s. Creator: Daniel John Pound.
'The Right Honourable The Earl of Aberdeen, K.G.', 1850s. Creator: Daniel John Pound.
'Baron Alexander Von Humboldt, The Great Naturalist', 1850s. Creator: Daniel John Pound.
'Reverend Thomas Guthrie, D.D.', 1850s. Creators: Daniel John Pound, Ross and Thompson.
'The Right Honourable William Ewart Gladstone, M.P.', 1859. Creator: Daniel John Pound.
'The Reverend Robert Maguire, M.A.', c19th century. Artist: Daniel John Pound.
Omar Pasha, 19th century Commander in Chief of the Turkish army.Artist: DJ Pound
'Victor Emanuel, King of Sardinia', 19th century.Artist: DJ Pound
Sir David Brewster, 19th century Scottish scientist, inventor and writer.Artist: DJ Pound
Charles Dickens, English novelist, 19th century.Artist: DJ Pound
Napoleon III, Emperor of France, 19th century.Artist: DJ Pound
Napoleon III, Emperor of France, 19th century.Artist: DJ Pound
Napoleon III, Emperor of France, 19th century.Artist: DJ Pound
Charlemagne, king of the Franks, 1875. Artist: DJ Pound
Napoleon III, Emperor of France, 1875. Artist: DJ Pound
David Livingstone, Scottish missionary and African explorer, 1880. Artist: DJ Pound
William Ewart Gladstone MP, British Liberal Prime Minister, 1880.Artist: DJ Pound
Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, Prime Minister, 1880. Artist: DJ Pound
Robert Stephenson, English civil engineer, 1880. Artist: DJ Pound
Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, English philanthropist, c1880.Artist: DJ Pound
George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl of Carlisle, British politician and statesman, c1880.Artist: DJ Pound
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, British statesman, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
The Right Honourable John Russell, 1st Earl Russell, British Liberal statesman, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
The Right Honourable Henry Brougham, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
The Right Honourable John Singleton Copley, Lord Chancellor and politician, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell, British Liberal politician and lawyer, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
Frederic Thesiger, 1st Baron Chelmsford, English jurist and politician, c1880.Artist: DJ Pound
Sir Fitzroy Kelly, English judge, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
Henry William Wilson, 11th Baron Berners, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
The Right Honourable Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby, British statesman, c1880.Artist: DJ Pound
Sir Hugh Mac-Calmont Cairns, British statesman, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
John Somerset Pakington, 1st Baron Hampton, English politician, c1880.Artist: DJ Pound
Richard Grosvenor, 2nd Marquess of Westminster, English aristocrat, c1880.Artist: DJ Pound
Archibald Alison, Scottish didactic and philosophical writer, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
Thomas Babington Macaulay, British poet, historian and Whig politician, c1880.Artist: DJ Pound
Michael Faraday, British scientist, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
Isambard Kingdom Brunel, British engineer, c1880.Artist: DJ Pound
John Gibson, (1790-1866), British sculptor, c1880.Artist: DJ Pound
The Prince of Wales, c1851.Artist: DJ Pound
Charles John Canning, 1st Earl Canning, Governor-General of India, 19th century.Artist: DJ Pound
Aimable Jean Jacques Pelissier, duke of Malakoff, marshal of France, 19th century. Creator: Daniel John Pound.
Count Camillo Benso di Cavour, Italian politician, 19th century. Artist: DJ Pound
Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian patriot, 19th century. Artist: DJ Pound
Edmund Lyons, 1st Baron Lyons, Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, 19th century.Artist: DJ Pound
George Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen (1784-1860), Scottish statesman, c1860. Creator: Daniel John Pound.
Battle of Salamanca, Spain, 22 July 1811 (c1857).Artist: DJ Pound
Capture of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain, Peninsular War, 1812 (c1857).Artist: DJ Pound
The entry of the Allies intp Paris, 1815 (c1857). Artist: DJ Pound
Sir Charles Napier's victory off Cape St Vincent, 5 July 1833 (c1857).Artist: DJ Pound
Battle of Vitoria, 21 June 1813 (c1857).Artist: DJ Pound
Battle of Talavera, Spain, 27-28 July 1809 (c1857).Artist: DJ Pound
Queen Victoria, c1860.Artist: DJ Pound
The Empress of the French, c1860.Artist: DJ Pound
Queen Victoria, c1850s.Artist: DJ Pound
The fleet in the Baltic, under the command of Sir Charles Napier, 1857.Artist: DJ Pound
The battlefield of the Alma, night after the battle, 1854 (1857).Artist: DJ Pound
Colonel Brownrigg, British soldier, 1857.Artist: DJ Pound
General Beatson, British soldier, 1857.Artist: DJ Pound
General Bosquet, French soldier, 1857. Artist: DJ Pound
Marshal Canrobert, French soldier, 1857. Artist: DJ Pound