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Church Interior with Christ Preaching to a Congregation, 1545-1570. Creator: Cornelis van Dalem.
Sts Paul and Barnabas Worshipped as Gods by the People of Lystra, 1628. Creator: Jacob Symonsz. Pynas.
Worship of the Golden Calf, c.1530. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
Worshipping the Christ Child, 1480-1515. Creator: Master Allegro.
A Service in the Geertekerk, Utrecht, 1852. Creator: Johannes Bosboom.
Arcadian landscape with a temple on the left and a seated old man in the foreground, 1771.  Creator: Juriaan Andriessen.
Arcadian landscape with travellers, 1771.  Creator: Juriaan Andriessen.
Triptych with Adoration of the Magi (center and inner wings), Saint Antony Abbot (left, outer wing)  Creator: Master of Alkmaar.
Chinese sacrificial ceremony in Batavia, 1779-1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Roman Catholic Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury, Fulham, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
"The Grand Altar of the Cathedral of Seville" - painted by David Roberts, R.A., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Nawab of Morshedabad at Prayer, from a native drawing, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Religion, c.between 1900 and 1912. Creator: Unknown.
Adoration of the Magi, 1500-1599. Creator: Anon.
The Idolatry of King Solomon, 1630-1648. Creator: Willem de Poorter.
The Idolatry of King Solomon, 1635-1655. Creator: Jacob Hogers.
The Lords of Montfoort, c.1400. Creator: Anon.
Interior of the Church in Maasland, c.1870-c.1875. Creator: Johannes Bosboom.
Arcadian Landscape, 1680-1726. Creator: Johannes Glauber.
Sibylla Erythrea, 1564. Creator: Maerten van Heemskerck.
Memorial Panel with Nine Female Portraits, probably Kathrijn Willemsdr van der Graft and Family, wit Creator: Master of Alkmaar.
The Idolatry of King Solomon, 1644. Creator: Salomon Koninck.
The Institution of The Eucharist, 1753. Creator: Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo.
The New Picture for the National Gallery - "The Adoration of the Magi" - painted by Paul Veronese, 1 Creator: Henry Duff Linton.
Assumption of the Virgin, n.d. Creator: Antoine Masson.
The Celebration of High Mass, c. 1776. Creator: Katharina Prestel.
The Adoration of the Kings, 1498-1501. Creator: Hugo van der Goes.
Interior of the Capella Palatina in Palermo, Italy, 1842. Creator: Martinus Rorbye.
Christ in the Realm of the Dead, 1891-1894. Creator: Joakim Skovgaard.
The Christ Child Worshipped by Mary, 1480-1524. Creator: Antonio Solario.
''The Last Muster', after Hubert Herkomer, Esq., A.R.A., c1880-83. Creator: Hubert von Herkomer.
'Les russes en France; La messe au camp russe', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
Duncan, Isadora, portrait photograph, between 1916 and 1918. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Duncan, Isadora, portrait photograph, between 1916 and 1918. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Fontaine, Miss, portrait photograph, 1917 May 23. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Isadora Duncan dancing, between 1916 and 1918. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Isadora Duncan dancers, between 1915 and 1923. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Morocco, 1904. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Morocco, 1904. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Japan and Korea, 1908. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Adoration of the Shepherds, 18th century. Creator: Mengs, Anton Raphael (1728-1779) .
'Adoration of the Shepherds' of the Manresa Baroque School, 18th cent. Creator: Escuela Barroca Manresana.
Prayer meeting in a contraband camp, Washington, 1862, 1887. Creator: J. J. Cade.
The gospel, 1899. Creator: Jay Campbell Phillips.
In a Negro Church, 1882. Creator: Unknown.
'Old Crathie Church, Balmoral: Now The Site of the New Church', c1897. Creator: Unknown.
"The First Communion" after M Lhermitte, 1891', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''Church Choirs - The New Style', 1891. Creator: Sydney Prior Hall.
Strauss, Sarah Mildred, and pupils, 1932 June 5. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Strauss, Sarah Mildred, and pupils, 1932 June 5. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Strauss, Sarah Mildred, and pupils, 1932 June 5. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Kanellos dance group at ancient sites in Greece, 1929 Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Kanellos dance group at ancient sites in Greece, 1929 Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Isadora Duncan dancers, between 1915 and 1923. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Church of the Stigmata (Chiesa delle Stimmate) [plate M], 1612. Creator: Jacopo Ligozzi.
Solomon Worshipping False Gods, 1501. Creator: Master MZ.
Solomon Worshipping False Gods. Creator: Master MZ.
The Vision of Saint Hubert. Creator: Balthasar Moncornet.
The Nativity, c. 1507. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Worship of the Golden Calf and Christ on the Mount of Olives, 1775. Creator: Jean Claude Richard Saint-Non.