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13pages, 755 results in yourKeywordsearch for"protestant"Advanced Search
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Presbyterian Church i.e., Methodist Episcopal, Scranton, Pa., between 1890 and 1901. Creator: Unknown.
Northfield Seminary, East Northfield, Mass., c1901. Creator: Unknown.
Mount Hermon School, Mount Hermon, Mass., c1901. Creator: Unknown.
Samuel van Lansbergen (d. 1669), Remonstrant Minister in Rotterdam, 1646. Creator: Bartholomeus van der Helst.
Interior of the Church of St Bavo in Haarlem, 1636. Creator: Pieter Jansz Saenredam.
The interior of Saint Bavo's Church in Haarlem, 1660-1703. Creator: Isaak van Nickele.
Fishing for Souls, 1614. Creator: Adriaen van de Venne.
Interior of a Protestant Gothic Church with Motifs from the Oude and Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam, 1677. Creator: Emanuel de Witte.
Portrait of Gaspard de Coligny (1517-72), c.1609-c.1633. Creator: Workshop of Jan Antonisz van Ravesteyn.
Portrait of Gaspard de Coligny III (1584-1646), Count of Châtillon sur Loing, c.1609-c.1633. Creator: Workshop of Jan Antonisz van Ravesteyn.
Portrait of François de la Noue (1531-91), Lord of Teligny, called ‘Bras de Fer’..., c.1609-c.1633. Creator: Anon.
Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert (1557-1644), c.1640-c.1644. Creator: Anon.
Portrait of Daniel Niellius. Elder of the Remonstrant Church and Sampling Official of Alkmaar, 1671. Creator: Adriaen Backer.
Portrait of Maria de la Queillerie (1629-64), first Wife of Jan van Riebeeck, or his..., c.1660. Creator: Anon.
Portrait of Jacobus Rolandus (1562-1632), in or after 1632. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Petrus Bliek, Remonstrant Minister in Amsterdam, with his Wife Cornelia Drost, 1771. Creator: Hendrik Pothoven.
Interior of a Protestant Gothic Church with Motifs from the Oude and Nieuwe Kerk in..., 1660-1680. Creator: Emanuel de Witte.
Portrait of Jan Amos Comenius, 1650-1670. Creator: Jurgen Ovens.
Christ Church, New Orleans, between 1890 and 1901. Creator: Unknown.
The Interior of Roskilde Cathedral, 1824. Creator: Ditlev Martens.
"The Martyrdom of Ridley and Latimer", painted by Sir George Hayter, M.A.S.L. - from the Exhibition  Creator: Harvey Orrin Smith.
"The Arrest of John Brown, of Ashford, a Lollard, and one of the First Martyrs in the Early Part of  Creators: Henry Duff Linton, Alexander Johnston.
The "Te Deum" for Peace, at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Moorfields - Cardinal Wiseman preachin Creator: Unknown.
The Little Church around the Corner (Protestant Episcopal Church of the...), N.Y., c1895-1910. Creator: Unknown.
Street in Roskilde. In the Background the Cathedral, 1836. Creator: Jorgen Pedersen Roed.
Portrait of Jean Labadie, 1622-1678. Creator: Anna Maria van Schurman.
The Little Church Around the Corner, New York City, c1900. Creator: Unknown.
Winona, Methodist Church, between 1880 and 1899. Creator: Unknown.
''Michael Boyle, Archbishop of Armagh; Obit 1702', 1813. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
Saint John's P.E. Church., 1915. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Saint Thomas P.E. Church - Consecration Services, Dec 1912. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Saint Thomas P.E. Church - Consecration Services, Dec 1912.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Saint Thomas P.E. Church - Ground Story, 1915. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
''The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685) - Protestant Fugitives"; after M Leloir.', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
Caspar Sibelius. Creator: Jonas Suyderhoef.
Lodewijk de Dieu. Creator: Jonas Suyderhoef.
Di Hugenoten, oder, di blut-hokhtsayt in Pariz, c1902 (?). Creator: People's Theatre.
The little Huguenot, c1895 - 1911. Creator: Unknown.
Pilgrimage to French Bucholz, 1775. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
The First French Church in Berlin, 1794. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Nathanael Dilgerus, 1683. Creator: Gerard Edelinck.
Conrad Hertz, Stiffter, n.d. Creator: Georg Fennitzer.
Martin Luther, c. 1525. Creator: Albrecht Altdorfer.
Barracks of Cassim Pacha, in Constantinople, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
John, King of Saxony, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Lutheran Bishop of Tonning, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Bishop William Ingraham Kip, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Broadsheet in Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the Augsburg Confession of 153..., ca. 1730. Creator: Johann Gottfried Boeck.
Gaspard de Coligny, Admiral of France, 1550-91. Creator: Jost Ammon.
Satire on the Papacy, 1555. Creator: Melchior Lorck.
Moravian Pitcher, c. 1938. Creator: Wellington Blewett.
Henry Matthias, Count of Thurn and Taxis, 1625. Creator: Willem Jacobzoon Delff.
Portrait of George IV, n.d. Creator: William Mulready.
Gellius de Bouma, n.d. Creator: Cornelis de Visscher.
Portrait of André Rivet, 1647. Creator: Jonas Suyderhoef.
Death in the Sickroom, 1896. Creator: Edvard Munch.
The Great Square in Alexandria - Present State of the Proposed Church..., 1850. Creator: Unknown.
King Edward's School, Bury St. Edmund's, 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Dr. Giacinto Achilli, 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Darjeeling, or "The Bright Spot", 1850. Creator: Unknown.