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34pages, 2,011 results in yourKeywordsearch for"martyrdom"Advanced Search
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Waiting for the Virgin to Give Birth; St. Nemesius; St. Philogonius; St. Thomas. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, c. 1634/1635. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Servatius; St. Boniface; St. Pachomius; St. Corona. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Margaret of Antioch; St. Praxedes; St. Mary Magdalene; St. Bridget of Sweden. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Saint Simon, published 1631. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Nativity; St. Stephen; St. John; Holy Innocents. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Liverius; St. Saturninus; St. T(I?)oscion; St. Andrew. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Wenceslas; St. Michael, Archangel; The Guardian Angel; St. Jerome. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Paphnutius; Sts. Macedonius and Theodulus; St. Amatus; St. Cornelias. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Martyrdom of Saint James Major, c. 1634/1635. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Martyrdom of Saint James Minor, c. 1634/1635. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Ladislas; Sts. Potamiana and Marcella; Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles; St. Martial. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Fidelis; St. Agapetus; St. Dula; St. Latro Dimas. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Peter, Apostle; St. Mary of Angels; Discovery of the Body of St. Stephen; St. Dom. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Ferreolus; St. Januarius; St. Eustachius & his Children; Sts. Fausta & Evelasius. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Ordeal by Arrows (Saint Sebastian), c. 1632/1633. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Ordeal by Arrows (Saint Sebastian), c. 1632/1633. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Saint John the Evangelist, published 1631. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew, c. 1634/1635. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Martyrdom of Saint Thomas, c. 1634/1635. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Mary of Snow; St. Memmius, Bishop; The Transfiguration; Sts. Justus and Pastor. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Matilda; St. Longinus; St. Cyriacus; St. Heribert. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Irene & Companions; St. Christiana; Sts. Anania, Azaria & Misael; St. Florianus &. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Victor; St. Justinus; Sts. Tiburtius and Valerianus; Sts. Basilissa and Anastasia. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. David, King and Prophet; Sts. Sabinus and Venustianus; St. Sylvester; St. Colomba. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Zenon and Companions; St. John the Baptist; St. Gallicanus; St. Pelagius. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Maximilian; St. Carpus; St. Daniel and Angelus; St. Fortunatus. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Saint Matthew, published 1631. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Philibert, Abbot; St. Privatus; St. Symphorian; St. Philip. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Benignus; Festival of All Saints; Commemoration of the Dead; St. Hubert. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Mederic, Abbot; Beheading of John the Baptist; St. Fiacre; Festival of the Virgin. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Theresa; St. Placidus and Flavia; St. Bruno; St. Faith. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Bonaventura; St. Justus; St. Henry, Emperor; St. Antiochus. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Genevieve; St. Titus; St. Simeon Stylites; Epiphany. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Massacre of the Innocents, c. 1622. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Simeon Salus; The Visitation; Deposition of the Virgin's Clothes; St. Hiacintus. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Sts. Maxentius & Leander; Sts. Sergius & Paul; Sts. Eustratius & Orestes; St. Lucy. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Sts. Pamphilius and Porphyrius; St. Blandina and Companions; St. Erasmus; St. Optatus. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Saint James the Great, published 1631. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Martyrdom of Saint James Minor, c. 1634/1635. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Agatha; St. Dorothy; St. Romuald of Ravenna; St. Paul, Bishop of Verdun. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Martyrdom of Saint Andrew, c. 1634/1635. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Bibiana; St. Birinus; St. Barbara; St. Sabbas. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Gregory; Sts. Romanus & Barulla; Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter & Paul. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Nicholas; St. Dionisia and Son; St. Agatha; Conception of the Virgin. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Saint Bartholomew, published 1631. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Pantaleon; Sts. Nazarius and Celsus; St. Martha; St. Beatrice. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Anastasius; St. Theodora; Sts. Vitalis and Valeria; St. Peter Martyr. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Mercury; St. Peter of Alexandria; St. Conrad; Sts. Barlaam and Josaphat. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Martyrdom of Saint Thaddeus, c. 1634/1635. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Saint Andrew, published 1631. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Sts. Vitus, Modestus, & Crescentia; Sts. Julitta & Quiricus; St. Avitus, Abbot; St. E. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Nicephorus; St. Nestor; St. Julian; Translation of St. Augustin. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Title Page for "The Martyrdoms of the Apostles", c. 1634/1635. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Edmund, King of England, Martyr; Presentation of the Virgin; St. Columba; St. Cecil. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles; St. Narcissus; St. Marcellus; St. Quintin. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Saint Livier. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Sts. Nicostratus and Anthiocus; St. Julia; St. Desiderius; Sts. Susanna, Palladia, an. Creator: Jacques Callot.
St. Elizabeth of Portugal; St. Zoe; St. Isaiah, Prophet; St. Edelburge. Creator: Jacques Callot.