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3pages, 174 results in yourKeywordsearch for"earl of beaconsfield"Advanced Search
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'Dr. Bull's Waiting-Room', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'Going to the Country', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'The Rising Tide', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'The Rival Con jurors', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
Woman's Wrongs, 1874.  Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Demon Rough', 1874.  Artist: Joseph Swain
'Approaching Dissolution', 1875. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Neutrality Under Difficulties', 1876. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Empress and Earl', 1876. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Status Quo', 1876.  Artist: Joseph Swain
'On the Dizzy Brink', 1878. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Two Persuasions', 1878. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Cabinet-Making', 1880.  Artist: Joseph Swain
'New Crowns for Old Ones!', Benjamin Disraeli offering the crown of India to Queen Victoria, 1876. Artist: John Tenniel
Civic reception of Lord Beaconsfield and Lord Salisbury at the Guildhall, London, 1878. Artist: Anon
The queen at High Wycombe railway station during a visit to Hughenden, late 19th century, (1900). Artist: Unknown
Lord Beaconsfield's last appearance, House of Commons, late 19th century, (1900).Artist: Swain
Disraeli's first speech in the House of Commons, London, 7 December 1837 (1901). Creator: Unknown.
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, 19th century British Conservative politician.Artist: Raphael Tuck
Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, British Conservative Prime Minister, 1881.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman, 19th century (1956). Artist: Unknown
'The Political Pas de Deux', 1878 (1895). Artist: Unknown
Hughenden Manor, Earl of Beaconsfield, c1880. Artist: Unknown
Benjamin Disraeli introducing his reform bill in the House of Commons, c1867. Artist: Unknown
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), prime minister of Great Britain and 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, 1892. Creator: R Taylor.
'A Bad Example', 1878.Artist: Swain
A Blaze of Triumph!, 1878.Artist: Swain
St George and the Dragon (After the Performance), 1878.Artist: Swain
The funeral of Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), British prime minister, late 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Benjamin Disraeli (1808-1881) receiving the freedom of the city of London, 1878. Artist: Unknown
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) meeting with Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), Berlin, 1878. Artist: Unknown
St Michael's Church, late 19th century. Artist: Unknown
St Michael's Church and the grave of Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), late 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) reading letters in the porch of Hughenden Lodge, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
'The Way of the Wind',1878.Artist: Swain
Otium Cum Diz!, 1878.Artist: Swain
'Humpty Dumpty', 1878.Artist: John Tenniel
'Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield', (detail), 1881. Artist: John Everett Millais
'Just A'goin' to Begin!', 1887. Artist: Tom Merry
Benjamin Disraeli at Hughenden, Buckinghamshire, 1874. Artist: Henry Taunt
Benjamin Disreali (1804-81), British Conservative Primeminister. Artist: Unknown
'Papers! Papers! Papers!', 1864. Artist: John Tenniel
'Goody Gladstone's Gifts', 1864. Artist: John Tenniel
'Dressing for an Oxford Bal Masqué', 1864. Artist: John Tenniel
'Waiting for the Verdict', 1865. Artist: John Tenniel
'Dizzy's Arithmetic', 1865 Artist: John Tenniel
'A game of foot-ball as played by certain Westminster boys', 1858. Artist: Unknown
'Dizzy and his Constituent.', 1858. Artist: Unknown
'Orestes pursued by the Furies', 1858. Artist: Unknown
'How Dirty Old Father Thames was Whitewashed', 1858. Artist: Unknown
'Reform Snap-Dragon', 1859. Artist: Unknown
'Who Will Rouse Him?', 1859. Artist: Unknown
'The Last Pantomime of the Season', 1859. Artist: Unknown
'Great Poaching Affray on the Liberal Preserves', 1859. Artist: Unknown
'The Supporters of the Working Man', 1859. Artist: Unknown
'The Frantic Footman, who has had Warning', 1859. Artist: Unknown
'The Street Up Again!', 1859. Artist: Unknown
'The Angler's Return', 1859. Artist: Unknown
'The Real Ugly Rush', 1859. Artist: Unknown
'The Derby - The Return', 1859. Artist: Unknown