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7pages, 363 results in yourKeywordsearch for"crown of thorns"Advanced Search
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Ecce Homo, 1644. Creator: Jusepe de Ribera.
The Descent from the Cross, 1815-1949. Creator: Salomon Andersson.
Christ crowned with thorns, 1700-1799. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1890-1895. Creator: Albert Edelfelt.
Ecce Homo, 1857. Creator: Otto Mengelberg.
Christ crowned with thorns, 1930-1934. Creator: Ernst Krohn.
Ecce Homo. Christ wearing a crown of thorns wearing a red suit and a blue cloak., 1855. Creator: Karl Anders Ekman.
The crowning with thorns. Creator: Workshop of Aert Mytens.
The Crowning with thorns, 1652-1698. Creator: Johann Carl Loth.
The Crowning with Thorns. Triptych, 1530. Creator: Bosch; Hieronymus; (School) ().
Lamentation Over The Body Of Christ, c1645-50. Creator: Alessandro Turchi.
Christ Crowned With Thorns, c1479-80. Creator: Ercole de' Roberti.
The Infant Christ with a Floral Wreath, 1663. Creator: Carlo Dolci.
Christ with the Cross, 1587. Creator: El Greco.
Christ on the route to Calvary, unknown date, (c1730). Creators: Workshop of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
The Lamentation over the dead Christ, 1500. Creator: Juan de Flandes, the Elder.
Silence, 1894/97. Creators: Henri Jean Guillaume Martin, Ambroise Vollard.
Christ as the Saviour, c1510. Creator: School of Parma.
The Head of Christ Crowned with Thorns, c1520. Creator: Sebald Beham.
The Head of Christ Crowned with Thorns, c1530. Creator: Unknown.
Altarpiece with the Passion of Christ: Christ Mocked, c1480-1495. Creator: Unknown.
Martyrdom scene, early 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Cross And Crown Of Thorns And Flowers, 1805-1875. Creator: Adolf Schrodter.
Christ Carrying His Cross, 1567. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
Christ crowned with Thorns. Creator: Unknown.
Christ before Pilate, mid-16th century. Creator: Andrea Schiavone.
Christ with the crown of thorns, mid-16th century. Creator: Callisto Piazza.
Christ crowned with Thorns, late 15th-early 16th century. Creator: Giovanni Bellini.
Christ crowned with Thorns, 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
St Rosa of Lima. Creator: Anon.
The Virgin Mourning at the Tomb, 1764. Creator: Lorenzo Gramiccia.
Christ with Crown of Thorns, c.1557-c.1600. Creator: Unknown.
Man of Sorrows, 1630-1700. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Carrying the Cross, c.1510-c.1515. Creator: Quentin Metsys I.
The Sudarium of Saint Veronica, c.1450. Creator: Anon.
Ecce Homo, c.1520. Creator: Anon.
Ecce Homo, c.1530-c.1550. Creator: Unknown.
Ecce Homo, 1630-1650. Creator: Matthias Stomer.
Ecce homo, 1800-1857. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, c.1622. Creator: Gerrit van Honthorst.
Christ as the Man of Sorrows, c.1545-c.1550. Creator: Workshop of Maarten van Heemskerck.
Crowning of Thorns, n.d. Creators: Christoph Schwarz, Joannes Stradanus, Jan Swart Van Groningen.
Man of Sorrows, n.d. Creator: Johann Michael Püchler.
Ecce Homo, n.d. Creator: Johann Michael Püchler.
The Road to Calvary, 1475/80. Creator: Master of the Housebook.
Pietà with Virgin and St. John, 1485-1527. Creator: Giovanni di Niccolo Mansueti.
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1498-1501. Creator: Gian Francesco de Maineri.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, 1620. Creator: Hendrick ter Brugghen.
The Crowning with Thorns, 1920-1921. Creator: Karl Isakson.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, 1460/1480. Creator: Master of the Borders with the Four Fathers of the Church.
The Crowning with Thorns, c. 1440/1450. Creator: Master of the Playing Cards, Follower of.
The Entombment. Creator: Parmigianino.
Christ, 1887. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Christ, 1887. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Sibylla Delphica, 1625. Creator: Jacques Stella.
Christ on the Cross with Mary and John, 1514. Creator: Wolf Traut.
The Man of Sorrows and Mater Dolorosa, 1512. Creator: Wolf Traut.
The Man of Sorrows Standing, 1522. Creator: Hans Weiditz.
Baptismo habeo baptisari .... Creator: Hieronymous Wierix.
Protector Noster Aspice .... Creator: Hieronymous Wierix.