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12pages, 671 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest"Advanced Search
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Funeral of the late King of the Belgians: the body lying in state...Royal Palace at Brussels, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral of the late King of the Belgians: the funeral car...Place du Congrés at Brussels, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
King Leopold II. entering the Church of St. Gudule, at Brussels..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The body of the late King of the Belgians taken into Brussels by torchlight, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral cortege for King Leopold, Belgium, 1910. Creator: Bain News Service.
The Bishop of Oxford laying the foundation-stone of an English church at Brussels, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The Belgian National Rifle Association at Brussels: the firing-point, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Meeting of the Belgian National Rifle Association at Brussels: the targets, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Meeting of the Belgian National Rifle Association at Brussels: general view of practice-ground, 1865 Creator: Unknown.
King Leopold's public entry into Brussels...arrival of His Majesty at the palace..., 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Environs de Bruxelles, 1857. Creator: Félicien Rops.
The Archdukes Albert and Isabella Visiting the Collection of Pierre Roose, c1621-1623. Creator: Hieronymus Francken II.
Boitsfort, the gate of the park, 1892-1916. Creator: Rik Wouters.
Landscape, Boitsfort, 1892-1916. Creator: Rik Wouters.
Landscape, Boitsfort, with flowering fruit trees, 1892-1916. Creator: Rik Wouters.
The Grote Zavel (Grand Sablon), Brussels, 1875. Creator: Guillaume Vogels.
View of the Groenendaal priory near Brussels, 1600-1650. Creator: Anon.
'En Belgique delivree; L'entrée des souverains belges a Bruxelles, le 22 novembre: place...', 1918. Creator: Unknown.
'Le Meurtre et le pillage officiels; Miss Edith Cavell, mise a mort par les Allemands..., 1915. Creator: Unknown.
Allegory on the Abdication of Emperor Charles v in Brussels, c.1635-c.1640. Creator: Frans Francken II.
'Les Cendres de Miss Cavell; Le "Cimetiere des Fusilles" a Bruxelles, ou reposait Miss Cavell', 1919 Creator: Unknown.
'Les Cendres de Miss Cavell; Le transport de la biere du cimetiere a la gare du Nord..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'Les fetes de la victoire en Belgique; Le president de la Republique francaise a la tribune...1919. Creator: Unknown.
'Les fetes de la victoire en Belgique; le 22 juillet, a Bruxelles, M Poincare depose une..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'Les fetes de la victoire en Belgique; sur le Grand Place de Bruxelles, le 22 juillet:..., 1919. Creator: Jean Clair-Guyot.
'Le "Soldat Inconnu" de Belgique; le tombe du "Soldat inconnu" belge au pied de la..., 1922. Creator: Unknown.
'Le "Soldat Inconnu" de Belgique; le roi Albert, debout, a droite, dans son uniforme de..., 1921. Creator: Unknown.
The church in St. Template in Brussels, 1853. Creator: Heinrich Hansen.
''The tomb of Madame De Bonnemain in Ixelles Cemetery', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Allemands a Bruxelles; Le 20 aout 1914, l'infanterie allemande entrait a Bruxelles', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''Courage Civique; M Adolphe Max, Bourgmestre de Bruxelles', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''Courage Civique; La salle de l'Independence, a l'Hotel de Ville de Bruxelles', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Allemands a Bruxelles', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
'Belgium, German Proclamations', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''Courage Civique; 20 aout 1914. Creator: Unknown.
Le roi des Belges, se rendant au Parlement, est acclame par la population bruxelloise', 1914. Creator: Henneber.
''Le Defense de Liege; Le 9 de ligne quitte Bruxelles pour se rendre a Liege', 1914. Creator: Henneber.
Travel views of Europe, 1900s.  Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, 1900s.  Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, 1900s. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, 1900s. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, 1900s.  Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Fossil Iguanodons in the Bernissart Gallery of the Natural History Museum, Brussels', 1891. Creator: Hendrick Cassiers.
Procession commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of Belgian Independence, Brussels, 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'The Unveiling of the Waterloo Monument in the Evere Cemetery, Brussels, 1890 Creator: Unknown.
House occupied by Victor Hugo on the Grand' Place in Brussels in 1851 and 1852, c1933. Creator: Georges Leon Dufrenoy.
Entrance of the Cardinal and Archduke Albert to Brussels in 1596, after 1596. Creator: Anon.
Hotel de Ville, Brussells, 1833. Creator: Samuel Prout.
Gold House, Brussels, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Archway, Brussels, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Petite Rue des Bouchers, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The Church- Brussels (Adoration), 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Grand' Place, Brussels, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Flower Market, Brussels, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
High Street, Brussels, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The Courtyard, Brussels, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Petite Rue au Beurre, Brussels, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Palaces, Brussels, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.