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3pages, 131 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Cowes"Advanced Search
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Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and King George V of Great Britain. Artist: Unknown.
'Blowing Hard-Off Cowes', 1834. Artist: George Chambers.
'Dead Calm, Boats off Cowes Castle', c1841. Artist: Augustus Wall Callcott.
'Cowes', 1909. Artist: JMW Turner.
Cowes Harbour, Isle of Wight, 1900. Artist: Unknown
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and King George V of Great Britain. Artist: Unknown
'A Royal and Imperial Party at Cowes', 1910.Artist: Sport & General
King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra at Cowes, Isle of Wight, August 1909 (1964). Artist: Unknown
Osborne House, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, 20th century. Artist: Unknown
Cowes Harbour, Isle of Wight, late 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Cowes, Isle of Wight, England. Artist: Unknown