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10pages, 587 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Ukraine"Advanced Search
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Head-Quarters of Lord Raglan, near Balaclava - from a sketch by Lieutenant Montagu O'Reilly, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The "Valorous" chasing Russian Steamers into Sebastopol, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Russian Steamers Shelling the French Camp, Sebastopol, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Monastery of St. George, near Balaclava - from a sketch by Lieut. Montagu O'Reilly, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
'View of Odessa; taken from the Commercial Quay', 1854. Creator: Unknown.
'View of the Russian town of Sebastopol', 1854. Creator: Unknown.
'Bombardment of Odessa by the French and English Fleets on April 22, 1854', 1854. Creator: Unknown.
'Bombardment of Odessa, April 26, 1854', 1854. Creator: Unknown.
'General View of the Town and Harbour of Sebastopol', 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Harry Strangways, present Lord Ilchester; From a Picture Taken from a Church at Kertch, 1853-1856. Creator: Jane Martha St. John.
Suspension-Bridge across the Dnieper, at Kieff, in Russia, 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Omar Pacha, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Karaimes, Théodosie, Kaffa, 1 Octobre 1837, 1844. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Tartar Peasants' Homes in the Village of Déré-Koui, near Yalta, Crimea, August 31, 1837, 1841. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Praying Tartars, Istrimdjami-Kara-sou-Bazar, Crimea, October 19, 1837, 1844. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Mariah Tomb, Bachtcheh-Seraï, Crimea, August 21, 1837, 1838. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Tartar Women at the Baïdar, Crimea, August 26, 1837, 1842. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
The Château of Count Woronzoff, Aloupka, Crimea, August 12, 1837, 1840. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Traveling Tartar Family, Near Yalta, Crimea, August 15, 1837, 1840. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
The Main Street of Baghtcheh-Saraï, Crimea, August 19, 1837, 1841. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Tartar Family in Their Home, Kapskhor, Crimea, October 21, 1837, 1846. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
His Majesty Nicolas I, Emperor of all Russia, Camp Vosnessensk, October 6, 1837, 1842–45. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
View of the Village and Bay of Yalta, Crimea, August 15, 1837, 1840. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Portrait of Juguda Kazaz, Misiz, at Work as a Tomb Sculptor in the Josaphat Valley, Near T..., 1837. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Young Karaïme Woman, Tchioufout-Galech Near Baghtcheh-Saraï, Crimea, 1840. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
The Château of Count Woronzoff, Aloupka, Crimea, August 12, 1837, 1840. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
Cossack Bodyguards of the Line, Kuban, Taman, Détroit de Yéni-Kaleb, October 9, 1837, 1846. Creator: Auguste Raffet.
General Bosquet's Quarters looking toward Mackenzie Farm, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
General Simpson, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
General Sir J. Burgoyne, Bart. G.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
General View of Balaklava, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
George, Duke of Cambridge (1819-1910), Field Marshal; Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Group of Croat Chiefs, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Hardships in the Camp, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Head of Harbour, Balaklava, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Ismail Pacha and Attendants, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Jas. B.B. Estcourt (1802-1855) General, Taken at the Crimea Shortly Before his Death 1802-1855, 1855 Creator: Roger Fenton.
Kadikoi, from Camp of Horse Artillery, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Landing Place, Ordnance Wharf, Balaklava, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Landing Place, Railway Stores, Balaklava, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
L'Entente Cordiale, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lieutenant Colonel Shadforth and Officers of the 57th, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lieutenant General Sir Colin Campbell, G.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lieutenant General Sir de Lacy Evans, G.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lieutenant General Sir George Brown, G.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lieutenant General Sir H.J.W. Bentinck, K.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lieutenant General Sir Harry Jones, K.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lieutenant General Sir J.L. Pennefather, K.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lieutenant General Sir Richard England, K.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lieutenant General Sir W.J. Codrington, K.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Major General Estcourt and Staff, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Major General Garrett and Officers of the 46th, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Major Gen'l Charles Ashe Windham, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Marshal Pélissier, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Men of the 77th ready for the Trenches, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Mortar Batteries in front of Picquet House, Light Division, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Officers of the 42nd Highlanders, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Officers of the 71st Highlanders, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Officers on the Look out at Cathcarts Hill, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Officers on the Staff of Lieutenant General Sir Richard England, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.