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5pages, 282 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Firenze"Advanced Search
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Nocturnal Fête at Florence in honour of the Marriage of the Crown Prince of Italy, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
The Royal Marriage in Italy: regatta on the Arno, at Florence, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
The Royal Marriage in Italy: the Crown Prince and Princess..., Ponte Santa Trinità, Florence, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Tournament at Florence in honour of the Marriage of the Crown Prince of Italy, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Skating at Florence, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The late flood of the Arno at Florence – from a sketch by E. W. Cooke, R.A., 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
The Tiro Nazionale at Florence, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Trades demonstration at Florence against the temporal power of the Pope, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Celebration at Florence of the First Italian National Festival, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
The Old Bargello, Florence, 1861. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Opening of the Italian Exposition at Florence by Victor Emmanuel, 1861.  Creator: Unknown.
The Cavalli Cannon at the Florence Exhibition, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
The Italian Expostion at Florence on the first day of free admission, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
The cattle department of the Italian Exposition, Florence, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Animals at the Florence Exposition: buffaloes - camels from the Royal Domain of San Rossore, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Animals at the Florence Exposition: pair of oxen from the Royal Domain of the..., and Merino, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Animals at the Florence Exposition: Tuscan maremme, or herdsman, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Animals at the Florence Exposition: mountain race (dark grey bull), 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Filigree ornaments at the Florence Exhibition - from a drawing by M. Mariani, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Certaldo, June 6th, '61, 1861. Creator: Samuel Colman.
Count Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt in Florence, 1793. Creator: Louis Gauffier.
View of Ponte Santa Trinita over the river Arno in Florence, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the Duomo in Florence with a procession on Corpus Christi, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the Ponte Santa Trinita over the river Arno in Florence, 1761. Creator: Anon.
View of a square in Florence, 1700-1799. Creator: Unknown.
Florentine Street Scene with Twelve Figures (Sheltering the Traveler, one of the Seven Works of Merc Creator: Anon.
An Overcast Day in Florence near Ponte Santa Trinità, 1888. Creator: Theodor Esbern Philipsen.
The Vine against the Light. A wheat field in the foreground. Villa Linda, Florence, 1923. Creator: Niels Larsen Stevns.
The Courtyard of the Palazzo del Bargello. Florence, 1842. Creator: Jorgen Pedersen Roed.
Piazzale Michelangelo near Florence, 1910. Creator: Karl Schou.
A Florentine Flower Seller, 1880. Creator: Kristian Zahrtmann.
A View of the Arno, Florence, 1874. Creator: Edward John Poynter.
The Garden of San Miniato near Florence, 1845. Creator: John Ruskin.
The Outskirts of Florence, on the Way to Rome, c. 1764. Creator: Franz Edmund Weirotter.
Piazza della Signoria, Florence, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Piazza Presso alla Porta al Prato, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Piazza SS. Annunziata, Florence, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Piazza Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Ponte Vecchio, Florence, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Piazza del Duomo, Florence, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Piazza Santa Croce, Florence, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Fireworks on the Arno, Florence, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Colossus L'Apenin, Pratolino, 1822. Creator: Eugene Isabey.
Palace, Florence, 1681. Creator: Melchior Küsel.
Vue des environs de Florence, late 19th-early 20th century Creator: Georges-Victor Hugo.
The Duomo, Florence, 1897. Creator: John Russell Pope.
Piazza S. Spirito, Florence, 1912. Creator: Oscar Bluemner.
Fiesole, Cloister of S. Domenico, 1912. Creator: Oscar Bluemner.
The Arno in the Evening, Florence, 1912. Creator: Oscar Bluemner.
Portrait of Mabel Dodge at Villa Curonia, Florence, 1911. Creator: Jacques Emile Blanche.
Villa I Tatti, estate of art historian Bernard Berenson, Ponte a Mensola, Italy: Garden, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Villa I Tatti, estate of art historian Bernard Berenson, Ponte a Mensola, Italy: Garden..., 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Villa Reale di Castello, Castello, Tuscany, Italy, 1923. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Villa Gamberaia, Settignano, Tuscany, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Villa Bel Riposo, San Domenico, Tuscany, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Villa La Pietra, via Bolognese, 120, Florence, Tuscany, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Villa Reale di Castello, Castello, Tuscany, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Villa Gamberaia, Settignano, Tuscany, Italy. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Villa La Pietra, via Bolognese, 120, Florence, Tuscany, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Villa Gamberaia, Settignano, Tuscany, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston.