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117pages, 6,961 results in yourCategorysearch for"Death & Burial"Advanced Search
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The Entombment, plate 11 from The Passion of Christ, 1596. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Cain killing Abel, 1524. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
The beheading of John the Baptist, 1625-1630. Creator: Giuseppe Caletti.
Circus, 1913. Creator: August Macke.
Cross in the Wilderness, 1857. Creator: Frederic Edwin Church.
The Massacre of the Innocents, 1586. Creator: Lucas van Valckenborch.
Illustrations of the War in Schleswig by our special artist: the Battle of Oversee, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The War in Schleswig: burial of sixty Austrian and Danish soldiers at Flensburg..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Kamehameha IV., the late King of the Sandwich Islands, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Palace of the late King of the Sandwich Islands at Honolulu, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The grave of the late Commodore Burnett, lost in H.M.S. Orpheus, at Manukau, New Zealand, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Monument In St. Chad's Church, Shrewsbury, to...officers and men...who fell during the Indian...1864 Creator: Unknown.
The burial-ground at Lucknow, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Monument to the late Archbishop Musgrave in York Minster, 1864. Creators: Unknown, Matthew Noble.
The village of Bradfield, near Sheffield, scene of the late our special artist, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The Bradfield Reservoir, near Sheffield: the gap in the Dale Dyke embankment..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Incised stones on the Cheviot Hills, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The Flood at Sheffield: searching for the dead in the cellar of a ruined house at Neepsend, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Illustrations of the Flood at Sheffield: drowned cattle at High Bank, on the River Don, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Illustrations of the Flood at Sheffield: searching for the dead at Malin Bridge, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Illustrations of the Flood at Sheffield: scene in a garden at Hillsborough, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Illustrations of the Flood at Sheffield:...conveying the dead..., Malin Bridge, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Illustrations of the Flood at Sheffield: burial of the unclaimed dead, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Cast of Shakspeare's face, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The last sheet of Shakspeare's will, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The Shakspeare Commemoration: scene from..."King Henry IV.", Part I, played at Drury Lane..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The War in Denmark: collecting the Prussian and the Danish dead after the battle of April 18.., 1864 Creator: Unknown.
The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon: scene from "Romeo And Juliet"..., 1864.  Creator: Unknown.
The War in Denmark: public funeral at Copenhagen of officers and soldiers killed at Düppel, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Restorative treatment of the apparently drowned: Dr...Hall's method of inducing respiration, 1864. Creator: Dalziel Brothers.
Restorative treatment of the apparently drowned:...Silvester's method of inducing respiration, 1864. Creator: Dalziel Brothers.
"For the Last Time", by Miss E. Osborn, in the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1864.  Creator: W Thomas.
"A Tavern Brawl", by John Gilbert,...Exhibition of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1864. Creator: W Thomas.
Obsequies of the Duke of Malakoff at Algiers on the 4th of June, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Sir John Soane's Museum in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields: the Sarcophagus-Room, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
The fatal explosion at a percussion-cap manufactory in Graham-Street, Birmingham:...the ruins, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The last resting-place of the late Earl Canning in the North Transept of Westminster Abbey, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Her Majesty the Queen planting the "Prince Consort's Oak" in Windsor Great Park, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The murder of a missionary by the Maoris in New Zealand: capture of the Rev. Mr. Volkner..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The murder of a missionary by the Maoris in New Zealand: savage dance...Pai Marire Fanatics, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The murder of a missionary by the Maoris in New Zealand: Captain Levy, master of the...Eclipse, 1865 Creator: Unknown.
The murder of a missionary by the Maoris in New Zealand: scene of the murder of Rev. Volkner, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Finding the remains of the lost explorers Harding, Panter, and Goldwyer...North-West Australia, 1865 Creator: Unknown.
"The Foster Sisters", by John Bostock, in the Manchester Exhibition, 1865. Creator: W Thomas.
Funeral, on Sunday last, of Sergeant Dransfield...Tower Hamlets Engineer Volunteers, 1865. Creator: C. R..
The Cholera at Malta: sanitary encampment of the 4th (King's Own) Regiment on the Floriana, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Funeral of Lord Palmerston: the clergy receiving the body at...Westminster Abbey, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Funeral of Lord Palmerston: the procession passing Charing-Cross, 1865. Creator: C. R..
The Funeral of Lord Palmerston: arrival of the hearse at the West Door of Westminster Abbey, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Funeral of Lord Palmerston: the new cemetery at Romsey...interment of Lord Palmerston, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Funeral of Lord Palmerston: the hearse leaving Brocket Hall, Hatfield, Herts., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Funeral of Lord Palmerston: arrival of the hearse at Cambridge House, Piccadilly, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
"Statesmen's Corner", North Transept, Westminster Abbey, 1865.  Creator: Unknown.
Tablet to the memory of Lord Palmerston’s father and mother, in Romsey Abbey Church, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Grave of U.S. aviator Chadwick, Belgium, 29 Oct 1918. Creator: Bain News Service.
Roosevelt Service, France, 8 Jan 1919. Creator: Bain News Service.
52nd Brigade, 25th [i.e. 26th] Div., between 1917 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Kaiser's coffin, May 1918. Creator: Bain News Service.
Sickles coffin carried from Cathedral, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.
Grave of Chief Pesanko near Spokane, Wn., between 1910 and 1915. Creator: Bain News Service.