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475pages, 28,480 results in yourCategorysearch for"Sport & Pastimes"Advanced Search
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P. Chr. Asbjornsen on a trip with a fisherman boy, 1897. Creator: Christian Skredsvig.
Game, probably end of 17th century. Creator: Cornelis Lelienbergh.
Winter, Beginning of 17th century.
Winter landscape, probably between 1660 and 1676. Creators: Klaes Molenaer, Thomas Heeremans.
Riding school, copy after Philips Wouvermans, Mid 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic with camel caravan and hunting (dogs chasing hare), Roman Theatre, Bosra, Syria, (2001).  Creator: LTL.
Mosaic with camel caravan and hunting and agricultural works, Roman Theatre, Bosra, Syria, (2001).  Creator: LTL.
Bull-leaping fresco, Palace of Knossos, Crete, Greece, Bronze Age, (2000). Creator: Unknown.
Minuet dance, France, 18th century.  Creator: Unknown.
The Smoker, 1887. Creator: Unknown.
Hippopotamus hunting in Angola, West Africa, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
A sportsman of the Landes (France), 1880. Creator: Unknown.
The Royal Buckhounds: sketches of the kennels at Ascot, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Sailing on skates, 1880. Creator: William James Palmer.
At the Boat-Race, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Hunting sketches among the Indians of Minnesota, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
The Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Race, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
The Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Race: the race on Monday morning, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
The Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Race: the press boat in a fog..., the race postponed, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
The Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Race..., 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches at the Regimental Steeplechases at Aldershott, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Fur trappers in the backwoods of Canada, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Bend Or, the winner of the Derby, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Polo-match by electric light at the Ranelagh Club, 1880. Creator: W. I. Mosses.
Swimming-match between a dog and a man, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Henley Regatta: sketches on the river, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Division of Labour, 1880. Creator: William James Palmer.
Games for Old and Young, drawn by George Cruikshank, 1880. Creator: Joseph Swain.
The Fancy Dress Ball, 1880. Creator: Joseph Swain.
Roses and Lilies, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
The Evening Party, 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Two Men in Uniform, 1865-1870. Creator: Aug. Becker.
Attic Red-Figure Oinochoe (Shape III, Chous), about 420 BC. Creator: Group of Boston 10.190.
Attic Red-Figure Psykter, about 510 BC. Creator: Smikros.
Attic Red-Figure Lekythos, 470-460 BC. Creator: Carlsruhe Painter.
Astragalos, 2nd-1st century BC. Creator: Unknown.
Children's Game, c1890s. Creator: Charles Mertens.
Returning from the Hunt, 1670. Creator: David Teniers II.
Resting Hunters, c1640-1690. Creator: David Teniers II.
Smokers, 1633. Creator: David Teniers II.
The Chess Game, c1910s. Creator: Emile Vloors.
Portrait of a Boy, 1655. Creator: Erasmus Quellinus.
A Christian Martyr, 1860. Creator: Ernst Slingeneyer.
School is Out!, mid-late 19th century. Creator: Eugene Francois de Block.
Wrestling Barrack at a Fair, 1898. Creator: Henri Evenepoel.
Cardplayers Quarreling. Creator: Ignatius van Regemorter.
Card Game. Creator: Jan Josef Horemans II.
Shoot for a Prize. Creator: Jan Miense Molenaer.
Promenade on the Beach - Heist-aan-Zee, 1884. Creator: Jan Verhas.
Ida, the Fisherman's Daughter at the Doorway, 1851. Creator: Jozef Israels.
The Archers. Creator: Leo van Aken.
Climbing the Pole. Creator: Louis Artan.
Festival of the Archers, 1493. Creator: Master of Frankfurt.
The Drive. Creator: Philip Wouverman.
Bowlers, 1921. Creator: Henri Ramah.
Winter Pleasures. Creator: Sebastian Vrancx.
The Card Players. Creator: Theodoor Rombouts.
Two Sketches of an Interior, c1870s. Creator: Unknown.
The Archers, 1645-1649. Creator: David Teniers II.
Hunter and Huntsman, about 1785. Creator: George Garrard.