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H.M.S. Vigilant on the seven-fathom patch in the Red Sea, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
H.M.S. Wyvern, double-turreted iron-clad steam-ram, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Inspection of Troops at Aldershott by the Queen: cavalry trotting past, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Junction of the St. John's Wood and Metropolitan Railways at Baker-Street, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Katchiba, King of the Obbo Country, going a journey, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Kennington Turnpike-Gate, lately removed, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
King Leopold II. entering the Church of St. Gudule, at Brussels..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Kingston, Jamaica, with Newcastle in the distance, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Lady Houghton naming the Pontefract and Goole Life-Boat, Ferrybridge, Knottingley, Yorkshire, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Lattice iron viaduct at the Ruisseau d’Alma, junction of the Montlucon and Limoges Railway, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Launch of a life-boat at Weymouth, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Launch of the Affondatore, iron-clad cupola frigate, built for the King of Italy at Millwall, 1865. Creator: Smyth.
Launch of the screw-corvette Druid, Deptford Dockyard: Princess Louise releasing the dog-shore, 1869 Creator: A. H..
Launch of the Victoria, iron-clad frigate built for the Queen of Spain at Blackwall, 1865. Creator: Smyth.
Lighthouse on Colaba Point, near Bombay, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Lighthouse on Kennery Island, near Bombay, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Locomotive engine, with horizontal extra wheels, for the Mont Cenis Railway, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
London improvements: Hungerford Pier on the Thames Embankment, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Mount Ida, Island of Crete, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Mr. Young describing his search for Dr. Livingstone, meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, 1868 Creator: Unknown.
New dry dock at Rio de Janeiro, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
New iron bridge over the Thames at Cookham, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
New overland route to India: Mont Cenis Railway - L'Echelle du Diable, 1869.  Creator: Unknown.
New overland route to India: Mont Cenis Railway - Susa, in Piedmont, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
New works on the Metropolitan Railway: entrance to the Clerkenwell Tunnel, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
New-Year's Eve ball on board H.M.S. Caledonia, at Malta, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
North coast of Crete, from the sea, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of the Inland Sea Ports of Japan:...foreign settlement conceded at Hiogo, near Osaca, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of the Inland Sea Ports of Japan:...Hiogo...British and American fleets at anchor, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of the Leeds Exhibition by the Prince of Wales: the procession,...Great George-Street, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of the new docks at Millwall, on Saturday last, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of the Yachting Season:...the Royal Thames Yacht Club - The Fiona winning at Gravesend, 1868 Creator: Unknown.
Our Iron-Clad Fleet: floating of Her Majesty's ship Hercules, at Chatham, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Overland route to India: the two columns at Brindisi, marking the terminus of the Appian Way, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Oxford and Cambridge Universities Boat-Race: the start from Putney, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Plan of the harbour and town of Brindisi, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Port Louis, Mauritius, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Prince Alfred in Australia: Glenelg, South Australia, landing-place of the Duke of Edinburgh, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Prince Alfred in Australia: H.R.H. receiving the address of the Adelaide City Corporation, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Prince Alfred in Australia: His Royal Highness receiving address of the Glenelg Corporation, 1868. Creator: C. R..
Prince Alfred in Australia: the Gawler Corporation presenting their address to the Duke, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Prince Arthur's visit to the Isle of Man: Port Erin, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Procession of funeral gondolas with the body of Daniel Manin, on the Grand Canal, Venice, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Queen Emma of the Sandwich Islands leaving H.M.S. Alert in Honolulu Harbour, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Race across the Atlantic between the Russia and the City of Paris, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Railway bridge and viaduct at Runcorn, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Reception of the Duke of Edinburgh at Geelong, Australia, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Reception of the Emperor and Empress of the French by the Municipality of Orleans, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Regatta of boats of the Channel Fleet at Lisbon, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Royal London Yacht Club match - the Sphinx and Volante rounding at Southend, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Sailing-match of the Royal London Yacht Club, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Sailing-match of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Scene of the railway accident at Swansea, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Section of the Alps showing the course of the railway tunnel, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Suppression of the Slave Trade...coast of Africa:...H.M.S. Daphne capturing a slave-dhow, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Suppression of the Slave Trade...running on shore of a slave-dhow to escape capture, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Taboga, Bay of Panama, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
The Abyssinian Expedition: a sketch on the shore at Zulla, Annesley Bay, 1868. Creator: C. R..
The Abyssinian Expedition: arrival at Adigerat of an ambassador from Kassai, King of Tigre, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
The Abyssinian Expedition: Berbereh, on the coast of Africa, opposite Aden, 1868. Creator: Unknown.