Prayer in a Chapel, 1890. Creator: Ivan Nikolaevich Krasnov.

Prayer in a Chapel, 1890. Creator: Ivan Nikolaevich Krasnov.

3-005-449 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Prayer in a Chapel, 1890. The photographs were taken on Sakhalin Island during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and provide rare glimpses of the island's settlements, prisons, and inhabitants. Sakhalin Island was used by imperial Russia as a penal colony and place of exile for criminals and political prisoners. The collection depicts public life and institutions in the town of Aleksandrovsk Post, convicts working under harsh conditions or in chains, and political prisoners. The photographs also show the daily life both of the Nivkh people, indigenous to the northern part of the island, and the Russian settler population.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Ivan Nikolaevich Krasnov, attributed to: Russian: photographer

  1. Photograph

Picture Type
  1. Still image

Geographic Hierarchy

World Asia Russia Sakhalinskaya Oblast’ Sakhalin, Ostrov

  1. ,

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Category Hierarchy

Locations & Buildings Places of Worship

Religion & Belief Christianity

People Other

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3770x4960
File Size : 54,783kb


  1. 2018684066
  1. rus
  1. 1010037044
  1. 2018684066
  1. 3-005-449
  1. 3005449

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