Southend and Pier, 1856. Creator: Harvey Orrin Smith.

Southend and Pier, 1856.  Creator: Harvey Orrin Smith.

2-969-914 - /Heritage Images

Southend and Pier, 1856. '...the concluding part [of the London, Tilbury, and Southend Railway], to the terminus at Southend, was opened on Saturday last, March 1st. The length of the railway is forty-two miles...The construction has been carried on under the joint superintendence of the well-known engineers, Mr. Bidder and Mr. John Fowler. The fares being extremely reasonable, it is expected that Southend - the nearest sea bathing place to the metropolis - will in consequence become a more popular resort...[View showing] a portion of the pier, which is a mile and a quarter in length, and has a railway on it for the convenience of passengers to and from the steamers: it cost in construction altogether about £42,000, but was subsequently sold to the Eastern Counties Railway for £17,000'. From "Illustrated London News", 1856.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Harvey Orrin Smith, attributed to: British: Artist, engraver, printmaker
People Related
  1. George Parker Bidder: British, English: Engineer, founder of the Electric Telegraph Company, child prodigy
  2. Sir John Fowler: British: Civil engineer

Picture Type
  1. Landscape

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe United Kingdom England Southend-on-Sea Southend-on-Sea

  1. 51 32 00 N , 000 42 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Science & Nature Geographical Features

Artistic Representations Landscapes

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3980x2423
File Size : 9,418kb


  1. ILN_1856_Page_252_b.jpg
  1. 1856
  1. 0580080092
  1. 2-969-914
  1. 2969914

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