Sculpture of the New Front of Buckingham Palace - Centre, 1850. Creator: Unknown.

Sculpture of the New Front of Buckingham Palace - Centre, 1850. Creator: Unknown.

2-888-439 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

Sculpture of the New Front of Buckingham Palace - Centre, 1850. 'The sculptural enrichment of the new east front of Buckingham Palace [in London, has]...been completed...These sculptures adorn the centre and two wings of the Park facade...on the lateral turrets are placed colossal figures of our old tutelar favourites St. George and the never-to-be- conquered Dragon, and Britannia with the British Lion. These figures are sculptured by Ternouth'. From "Illustrated London News", 1850.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :
  1. John Ternouth: English, British: Artist, sculptor

Category Hierarchy

Religion & Belief Christianity

Locations & Buildings Palaces & Stately Homes

Religion & Belief Mythology

Society & Culture Art & Literature

Locations & Buildings Monuments & Statues

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3607x4960
File Size : 52,415kb


  1. ILN_1850_Page_172_c.jpg
  1. 1850
  1. 0580077795
  1. 2-888-439
  1. 2888439

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