The Frontispiece to Liber Studiorum, May 1812. Creator: JMW Turner.

The Frontispiece to Liber Studiorum, May 1812. Creator: JMW Turner.

2-767-129 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

The Frontispiece to Liber Studiorum, May 1812.

Image Details

People Information

  1. JMW Turner, attributed to: British: Artist, painter, draughtsman

  1. Etching

Category Hierarchy

Society & Culture Art & Literature

Artistic Representations Landscapes

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3730x2532
File Size : 27,670kb


  1. 28.97.1
  1. DP821312.jpg
  1. 0950014791
  1. 2-767-129
  1. 2767129
  1. 28.97.1

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