Maria Misericordia, casket madonna, Misterhult Church, Sweden, late 15th century. Artist: Lars Germundsson

Maria Misericordia, casket madonna, Misterhult Church, Sweden, late 15th century. Artist: Lars Germundsson

2-323-222 - Historisk Bildbyrå/Mustang media/Heritage Images

Maria Misericordia, casket madonna, Misterhult Church, Sweden, late 15th century. The front of the figure can be opened.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Lars Germundsson, attributed to: Swedish: Artist
  1. Virgin Mary: (Judean?): Saint

  1. Wood

Picture Type
  1. Portrait

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Sweden

  1. 62 00 00 N , 015 00 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Locations & Buildings Places of Worship

Religion & Belief Christianity

People Famous People

Artistic Representations Portraits

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3756x4649
File Size : 51,158kb


  1. HID04052.jpg
  1. 0660000074
  1. 2-323-222
  1. 2323222
  1. HID04052

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