Meeting of the arbitrators on the Alabama Claims, Geneva, Switzerland, c1865-c1870. Artist: Unknown

Meeting of the arbitrators on the Alabama Claims, Geneva, Switzerland, c1865-c1870. Artist: Unknown

1-626-514 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

Meeting of the arbitrators on the Alabama Claims, Geneva, Switzerland, c1865-c1870. The Alabama Claims were a series of claims for damages by the government of the US against the government of Great Britain for the perceived covert assistance given to the Confederate cause during the American Civil War.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Switzerland Genève

  1. 46 11 48 N , 006 06 38 E

Category Hierarchy

History & Politics Other

People Other

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4877x3585
File Size : 51,223kb


  1. 0580009936
  1. 1-626-514
  1. 1626514

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