Robert Boyd of Trochrig, eminent Scottish divine, (1870).Artist: J Rogers

Robert Boyd of Trochrig, eminent Scottish divine, (1870).Artist: J Rogers

1-216-752 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

Robert Boyd of Trochrig, eminent Scottish divine, (1870). An engraving of Boyd (1578-1627) from Robert Chambers' A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen, Blackie and Son, (Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London, 1870).

Image Details

People Information

  1. J Rogers, attributed to: : Artist, engraver
  1. Robert Boyd: British, Scottish: divine

  1. Engraving

Picture Type
  1. Portrait

Category Hierarchy

Religion & Belief Christianity

People Famous People

Artistic Representations Portraits

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3265x5365
File Size : 51,319kb


  1. 0580002044
  1. 1-216-752
  1. 1216752
  1. 2044

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