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 19 results in yourPicture Typesearch for"Genre,Bible"Advanced Search
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Heroine from the Old Testament, 1632-1633. Creator: Rembrandt van Rhijn (1606-1669).
The Hermit , 1904. Creator: Zuloaga y Zabaleto, Ignacio (1870-1945).
The Annunciation, 1927. Creator: Croatto, Bruno (1875-1948).
The Parable of the Rich Fool, 1627. Creator: Rembrandt van Rhijn (1606-1669).
The circumcision, First Half of 16th cen.. Creator: Parmigianino (1503-1540).
The Parable of the Wedding Feast.
Child with Pinwheel and Toddler Chair. (Reverse of Christ Carrying the Cross), c. 1490.
Nativité, 1902. Artist: Gauguin, Paul Eugéne Henri (1848-1903)
Saint Gereon of Köln with soldiers, ca 1460. Artist: Master of Cologne (active ca 1500)
Sufi Reunion. Miniature from Nafahat al-Uns (Breaths of Fellowship) by Jami. Artist: Anonymous
The offering of the jews, ca 1465. Artist: Master of the Gathering of Manna (active 1460-1470)
A Group of Four Poor Clares, ca 1340. Artist: Lorenzetti, Ambrogio (ca 1290-ca 1348)
The Circumcision, c. 1500. Artist: Bellini, Giovanni, (Workshop)
The Dance at the Court of Herod, c. 1500. Artist: Meckenem, Israhel van, the Younger (ca 1440-1503)
Baptismal Ceremony, End of 16th cen.. Artist: Aspertini, Amico (1474-1552)
The Vestal Tuccia, Second Half of the 18th cen.. Artist: Corvi, Domenico (1721-1803)
Study for Judith II, c. 1908. Artist: Klimt, Gustav (1862-1918)
he Parable of the prodigal son, 1620. Artist: Francken, Frans, the Younger (1581-1642)
Be blessed!, 1900. Artist: Bakalowicz, Stepan Vladislavovich (1857-1947)