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Saint Eloi Bishop of Noyon, 1889. Creator: Albrecht De Vriendt.
Saint Eligius of Noyon Preaches in Antwerp, 1588. Creator: Ambrosius Francken I.
Saint Eligius of Noyon Visits the Prisoners, 1588. Creator: Ambrosius Francken I.
Saint Eligius of Noyon in his Forge, 1588. Creator: Ambrosius Francken I.
Saint Eligius of Noyon Assists the Lame and Buries the Dead, 1588. Creator: Ambrosius Francken I.
Episcopal Consecration of Saint Eligius of Noyon, 1588. Creator: Ambrosius Francken I.
Altarpiece of the Guild of the Smiths, 1588. Creator: Ambrosius Francken I.
Saint Éloi saves Saint-Martial church on the Île de la Cité from a fire. Saint Eloi cures..., c1250. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Eligius and King Dagobert, 1520/30. Creator: Jean de Gourmont.
St. Eligius, n.d. Creator: Jean de Gourmont.