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 22 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Robert Burns"Advanced Search
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Statue of Burns, by Flaxman, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
'Robert Burns', (1759-1796), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
'Statue of Robert Burns, Ballarat', 1901. Creator: Unknown.
Robert Burns, (1821).  Creator: Freeman.
'Bobby Burns'. Creator: Unknown.
Robert Burns, Scottish poet, 19th century (1894). Artist: William Walker.
Robert Burns, Scottish poet, 1877. Artist: Unknown.
'Robert Burns - Poet', 1840. Artist: John Rogers.
'The Genius of Poetry Finding Burns at the Plough', 1840. Artist: John Rogers.
Robert Burns, Scottish poet (1759-1796), 1912. Artist: Unknown
Robert Burns, taken from a series of cigarette cards, 1935. Artist: Unknown
Sir Walter Scott, Thomas Moore, Lord Byron, Robert Burns, Thomas Campbell, 1877. Artist: Unknown
Robert Burns, Scottish poet, 1877. Artist: Unknown
Robert Burns, Scottish poet, 19th century. Artist: W Holl
Robert Burns, Scottish poet, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
'The Meeting of Burns and Scott', c1786, (late 19th century). Artist: Unknown
Robert Burns, Scottish poet, (19th century).Artist: Albert Henry Payne
Robert Burns, Scottish poet, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Robert Burns, Scottish poet, late 18th century. Artist: Unknown
Robert Burns (1759-1796), Scottish poet, 1805. Artist: Unknown
Robert Burns, Scottish poet, 1787 (1912). Artist: Unknown
'Robert Burns, Having set his hand to the plough, looks back at Highland Mary', 1904.Artist: Max Beerbohm