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 12 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Prince Henry of Prussia"Advanced Search
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Portrait of Prince Henry of Prussia, 1908. Creator: William Valentine Schevill.
Prince Henry of Prussia, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Henry, Prince of Prussia. Creator: Anon.
''The Visit of the German Emperor to Rome; The Emperor and Prince Henry leaving the Vatican after th Creator: Unknown.
Crown Prince Frederick and Prince their father the king 'Good Night', 1727, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Prince Henry at the Battle of Prague, 6 May 1757, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
'Friedrich II., Der Grosse', (1933). Creator: Unknown.
Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia and their family, c1875. Artist: Unknown.
'Prinz Heinrich von Preußen 1726-1602. - Gemälde von Menzel', 1934. Creator: Unknown.
'Portrait of Prince Henry of Prussia', 18th century.  Artist: Anton Graff
Prince Henry of Prussia, late 19th-early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
H.R.H Prince Henry of Prussia, 1908.Artist: WD & HO Wills