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Knob with Inscription of Nefertiti, 18th Dynasty, 1550 - 1307 BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Limestone Fragment with Cartouche of Neferneferuaten Nefertiti, 1372-1355 BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Limestone fragment of Queen Nefertiti offering a bouquet to Aten, XVIIIth Dynasty, c1540-1292BC Artist: Unknown.
Head of Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. Artist: Unknown.
Head of Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Head of Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti and two of her daughters. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian relief of Akhenaten and Nefertiti holding their daughters, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, Ancient Egyptian queen of the 18th dynasty, 14th century BC (1926).  Artist: Winifred Mabel Brunton
Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) heretic Egyptian pharaoh. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, Ancient Egyptian, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, Ancient Egyptian, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, Egyptian queen and consort of Akhenaten, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Bust of Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV). Artist: Unknown
Bust of Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) Artist: Unknown
Fragmentary Head of a Queen, reign of Akhenaten, Egyptian, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Bust of Nefertiti, Egypt, 1375 BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, Amenophis, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Queen Nefertiti (1410 BC-1330 BC), c1370 BC (1936). Artist: Unknown
Queen Nefertiti (1410 BC-1330 BC), c1370 BC (1936). Artist: Unknown
Wall Painting, Tomb of Nefertiti, Thebes, Egypt Artist: Unknown