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Saint Louis IX, King of France, Receives Pierre de Corbie. Creator: Lucas Franchoys the Younger.
Saint Louis IX, King of France, the Crusader. Creator: Philip Fruytiers.
Saint Louis IX, King of France, late 16th century. Creator: Abraham de Rijcke.
August Calendar Page: Saint Louis; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
Louis IX Visiting Vincent of Beauvais; Miroir Historial, about 1475. Creator: Unknown.
Louis XII Kneeling in Prayer Accompanied by Saint Michael, Saint Charlemagne..., 1498/1499. Creator: Jean Bourdichon.
St Louis administering justice under a beech tree, 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Madonna and Child with Saints Lucy, Dominic, and Louis of France, about 1596-1598. Creator: Annibale Carracci.
The Death of Saint Louis, c1817. Creator: Ary Scheffer.
The Last Communion of Saint Louis, 1823. Creator: Ary Scheffer.
St Louis of France, 1481-1502. Creator: Vittore Crivelli.
La mort de Saint Louis, 1884. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Leloir.
Saint Louis à Damiette, c.1819. Creator: Pierre Nolasque Bergeret.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Eustache : (La Foi) Consécration de la Ste Chapelle, St Louis..., 1855. Creator: Felix Joseph Barrias.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Louis d'Antin : La Mort de saint Louis, 1869. Creator: Pierre-Paul-Leon Glaize.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Louis- d'Antin : Saint Louis malade visitant les soldat..., before 1822 Creator: Jean-Bruno Gassies.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis : Robert le Pieux. Clovis. Saint Louis..., c.1873-1875 Creator: Joseph Blanc.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Sulpice : Saint Louis enterre les pestiférés à Damiette, c.1864 - 1870. Creator: Louis Matout.
Esquisse pour l'escalier de la Sorbonne : Louis IX à l'abbaye de Royaumont, 1888. Creator: Theobald Chartran.
Saint Louis receiving messengers from the 'Old Man of the Mountain'., c1773. Creator: Unknown.
St. Louis of France, France, Late 17th to early 18th century. Creator: Verres de Nevers.
Saint Louis giving alms to the poor, 1735. Creator: Giovanni Francesco Braccioli.
St. Aurea; St. Bartholomew; St. Louis; St. Genesius. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Saint Louis presenting his sword to Christ, after a ceiling design, 1755-90. Creator: Charles Nicolas Cochin.
Saint Louis of France received into heaven by Christ and two angels who offer him the c..., 1671-80. Creator: Charles-Louis Simonneau.
Altar Flanked by St. Louis and St. Theresa, mid-19th century. Creator: Emile-Charles Wattier.
Circumcision. Creator: Laurent de la Hyre.
'Louis IX. Landing In Egypt', (1249), 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'Louis IX, Dispensing Justice in the Forest of Vincennes', (13th century), 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'St. Louis, King of France, Crosses the Sea to the Holy Land', 13th century, (c1930).  Creator: Unknown.
'Der Heilige Ludwig', (Saint Louis), c1585 - 1590, (1938). Artist: El Greco.
'St. Louis King of France with a Page', c1590. Artist: El Greco.
Louis IX, King of France, (1791).Artist: J Jones
Louis IX, King of France, (1805).Artist: J Chapman
Louis IX, 14th century, (1870). Artist: Unknown
Scenes from the Seventh Crusade, 1248-1254 (15th century). Artist: Unknown
Louis IX, King of France, in Chartres Cathedral in his coronation robes, 1226 (19th century). Artist: Anon
Scenes from the Seventh Crusade, 1248-1254 (15th century). Artist: Unknown
Louis IX, King of France, in his coronation robes, 1226 (19th century). Artist: Anon
Saint Louis and his brothers taken prisoner during the Seventh Crusade, 1250 (1522). Artist: Unknown
Louis IX of France disembarking at Carthage during the Eighth crusade, 1270 (1518). Artist: Unknown
Louis IX of France disembarking at Damietta, Egypt, Seventh Crusade, 1249 (1522). Artist: Unknown
St Louis, King of France, seeking refuge from the Saracens, (1909). Artist: Unknown
Painting in the left transept of the Pantheon, Paris, c1880-1882.Artist: Alexandre Cabanel
Scene from the life of Bertrand du Guesclin, (19th century). Artist: Unknown
Scenes from the life of Louis IX, King of France, 13th century (15th century). Artist: Unknown
Altarpiece of the Parliament of Paris, c1452. Artist: Anon
Episodes from the rebellion of Thibaut de Champagne, 15th century. Artist: Unknown
The marriage of Blanche and Fernando, 1269, (15th century). Artist: Unknown
Saint Louis punishing Enguerrand IV of Coucy, 1882-1884. Artist: A Gusman
Study for 'The Education of St Louis' (Pantheon), c1880-1882.Artist: Alexandre Cabanel
St Louis (Louis IX, King of France), 1886. Artist: Unknown
The meeting of King Henry III of England and King Louis IX of France on the plain near Gisors. Artist: Unknown
'The Life of St Louis', 1898. Artist: Unknown
Raymond VII receives absolution, (c1296). Artist: Unknown
St Louis returns to Paris, and St Louis among the priests, mid-13th century, (15th century). Artist: Unknown
Battles of Taillebourg and Saintes, France, 21 and 22 July 1242, (20th century). Artist: Unknown
Scene from the life of Bertrand du Guesclin, (19th century). Artist: Unknown
Scene from the life of Bertrand du Guesclin, (19th century). Artist: Unknown