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Falstaff and His Friends, "The Merry Wives of Windsor" (from "The Art Journal"), May 1868. Creator: William Greatbach.
'Danejohn Hill, Canterbury, Kent', 1829.  Creator: James Baylis Allen.
'Danejohn Hill', c1829. Creator: Henry Adlard.
'The Honourable Artillery Company (Cavalry)', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 57th - Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex)', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 43rd - Oxfordshire Light Infantry', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 42nd - The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
The 21st - Royal Scots Fusiliers', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 2nd - The Queen's (Royal West Surrey)', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 72nd - Seaforth Highlanders', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 23rd - Royal Welsh Fusiliers', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 15th - East Yorkshire', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The Queen's Own Royal Regiment - Staffordshire Yeomanry', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 1st Middlesex (Victoria Rifles) - Volunteers', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The London Scottish - Volunteers', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 20th Middlesex (Artists) - Volunteers', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The Governor-General's Body-Guard, Calcutta', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'11th Bengal Native Infantry', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'West India Regiment', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 13th Bengal Lancers', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'15th Sikhs', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 3rd Gorkhas', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'First Madras Pioneers', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The Bombay Artillery', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'Halifax Garrison Artillery', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 6th Regiment of Cavalry (Hussars, Canada)', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 2nd Queen's Own Rifles (Canada)', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The 5th Royal Scots of Canada', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'The Cape Mounted Rifles', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'1st Battalion (West Melbourne) Victorian Infantry', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'Victorian Artillery', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'Victorian Mounted Rifles', 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas Giles.
'Last Moments of the Czar', (c1857). Creator: Herbert K Bourne.
'Gold', late 19th century. Creator: George Greatbach.
'The Victory, (Launched 1765)', late 19th-early 20th century. Creator: William Frederick Mitchell.
'A 38-Gun Frigate, about 1770', late 19th-early 20th century. Creator: William Frederick Mitchell.
'The School of Sooltan Hassan', c1869. Artist: Edward Goodall.
'Falstaff and His Friends', 1868.  Artist: William Greatbach.
Hereward The Wake, c1893. Artist: HC Balding.
'The Works of Shakspere - The Birth-Place of Shakspere (with Garic's Jubilee Procession)', c1870. Artist: Unknown.
'Puck and the Fairies. (Midsummer Nights Dream)', c1870. Artist: WM Lizare.
'Falstaff and his Friends (The Merry Wives of Windsor)', c1870. Artist: W Greatbatch.
'Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of York. (King Richard III)', c1870. Artist: H Robinson.
'The Lady's Tailor (King Henry IV - Second Part)', c1870. Artist: Charles W Sharpe.
'Volumnia Reproaching Brutus and Sicinius (Coriolanus)', c1870. Artist: J Stephenson.
'Disarming of Cupid (Sonnet Cliv.)', c1870. Artist: P Lightfoot.
'Christopher Sly (Taming of the Shrew)', c1870. Creator: Charles W Sharpe.
'Autolycus (The Winter's Tale)', c1870. Artist: Unknown.
'Timon and Flavius (Timon of Athens)', c1870. Artist: Charles Cousen.
'Imogen in the Cave (Cymbeline)', c1870. Artist: David Desvachez.
'Queen Isabella and Her Ladies (King Richard II)', c1870. Artist: T Sherratt.
'The Works of Shakspere - The Globe Theatre, Bankside, 1593', c1870. Artist: Unknown.
'Lear and Cordelia (King Lear)', c1870. Artist: W Ridgeway.
'The Seven Ages of Man (As You Like It)', c1870. Artist: H Bourne.
'Juliet and the Nurse (Romeo & Juliet)', c1870. Artist: Samuel Sangster.
'Prince Henry, Poins, and Falstaff. (King Henry IV - First Part)', c1870. Creators: William Quiller Orchardson, JC Armytage.
'Ariel (The Tempest)', c1870. Artist: Henry James Townsend.
'Juliet in the Cell of Friar Lawrence (Romeo and Juliet)', c1870. Artist: Herbert Bourne.
'Queen Katherine (King Henry VIII)', c1870. Artist: Charles W Sharpe.
'Prince Arthur and Hubert (King John)', c1870. Creator: David Desvachez.