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The Pantheon, a temple in Stourhead Gardens, originally called the Temple of Hercules, Wilts, 2017. Creator: Damian Grady.
King Alfred's Tower, commemorative tower, built 1766, in Stourhead park, Somerset, 2017. Creator: Damian Grady.
Church of St Giles's in the Fields, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
'Woburn Abbey - The West Front', 1898. Creator: Unknown.
'St. Olave's Church, in 1820', (c1878). Creator: Unknown.
'St Giles-in-the-Fields, The Steeple', mid-late 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
'The Parish Church of St.Olave. Southwark.', c1756. Artist: Benjamin Cole.
Pantheon, Stourhead, Wiltshire, c1945-c1980. Artist: Eric de Maré.
Church of St Giles in the Fields, Holborn, London, c1815.                             Artist: William Pearson
Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire, home of the Duke of Bedford, c1880. Artist: Unknown