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 11 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Weber"Advanced Search
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King Clotaire I of the Franks, (19th century).Artist: Weber
King Clotaire II of the Franks, (19th century).Artist: Weber
Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, duchesse d'Orleans, late 18th century, (1821). Artist: Weber
Parisians returning from the countryside by boat, 1894. Artist: Weber
The Upper Yangtse-Kiang, China, 1895.Artist: Weber
Dublin, Ireland, 19th century.Artist: Weber
Land's End, Cornwall, 19th century.Artist: Weber
'View of Si-Ngan-Fou', China, 19th century. Artist: Weber
Shanghai port, China, 19th century. Artist: Weber
'The Fish Lake, Switzerland', 1879. Artist: Weber
Ross Castle, County Kerry, Ireland, 19th century.Artist: Weber