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 10 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"W Floyd"Advanced Search
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'And Jephthah came...unto his house, & behold, his daughter came out to meet him', 19th century? Creator: W Floyd.
Lyon, France, 1875. Artist: W Floyd
'Junks Passing an Inclined Plane on the Imperial Canal', China, c1840.Artist: W Floyd
Boudoir and bed chamber of a lady of rank, China, 19th century. Artist: W Floyd
'The Missionary's Grave', 19th century. Artist: W Floyd
Looking out to sea from Mount Carmel, Israel, 1841.Artist: W Floyd
Lake Tiberias, or the Sea of Galilee, Israel, 1841Artist: W Floyd
The ruins of Djerash, the ancient Gergesa, Syria, 1841.Artist: W Floyd
Beteddein, Palace of the Druses (Druze), Lebanon, 1841.Artist: W Floyd
The Ancient 'Wishing-Gate', Liverpool, 1833.Artist: SF Serres