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Richmond Park Entrance, 1819. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
View of Richmond from the Bridge, 1819. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
Shooting: Verse 1, 1819. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
Shooting: Verse 2, 1819. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
Shooting: Verse 3, 1819. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
Shooting: Verse 4, 1819. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
South Sea House, Dividend Hall, February 1, 1810., February 1, 1810. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
Synagogue, September 1, 1809., September 1, 1809. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
Excise Office, Broad Street, February 1, 1810., February 1, 1810. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
'Storming of St. Sebastian, August 31, 1813', 1909. Artist: Thomas Sutherland.
'Battle of St. Jean De Luz, December 10, 1813', c1815 (1909). Artist: Thomas Sutherland.
'Attack on the Road to Bayonne, December 13, 1813', c1813 (1909). Artist: Thomas Sutherland.
'Battle of Nivelle, November 10, 1813', 1815 (1909). Artist: Thomas Sutherland.
'Storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, January 19, 1813', 1813 (1909). Artist: Thomas Sutherland.
'Battle of Quatre Bras, June 16, 1815', 1815 (1909). Artist: Thomas Sutherland.
'South Sea Whale Fishery', 1825. Artist: Thomas Sutherland.
'The Centre of the British Army in Action at the Battle of Waterloo', 19th century (1909). Artist: Thomas Sutherland.
'Battle of Toulouse, April 10 1814', 19th century (1909). Artist: Thomas Sutherland.
Interior view of the King's Audience Chamber in Windsor Castle, Berkshire, 1818. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Interior view of St James's Palace, Westminster, London, 1816. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Interior view of the drawing room in Buckingham House, Westminster, London, 1817. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Interior view of the gothic dining room in Carlton House, Westminster, London, 1819. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Buckingham House, Westminster, London, 1819. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
View of 'Southwark Iron Bridge' from Bankside, London, 1819. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
The Hoplotheca, Brook Street, Westminster, London, c1810. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
'North Country Mails at the Peacock, Islington', 1823 (1927).Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Mail coaches in front of the Peacock Inn on Islington High Street, London, 1823.                     Artist: Thomas Sutherland
The Battle of Trafalgar, 21st October 1805 (1816). Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Battle of the Nile, August 1st 1798 (1816). Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Battle of Trafalgar, October 21st 1805 (1816). Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Death of Sir John Moore, La Coruna, Spain, 17th January 1809 (1815). Artist: Thomas Sutherland
'Defence of the breach at St Jean d'Acre, May 8th 1799', 1815. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
'Landing of the British Troops in Egypt, March 1801', 1815. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
'Entrance of the Allies into Paris, March 31st 1814', 1815. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
'The Left Wing of the British army in Action at the Battle of Waterloo, June 18th 1815 Artist: Thomas Sutherland
'Battle of Quatre Bras, June 16th 1815'. Creator: Thomas Sutherland.
The Allied commanders at Leipzig, 1813 (1815). Artist: Thomas Sutherland
'Battle of Morales', 1813 (1815).Artist: Thomas Sutherland
View of the London Gymnastic Society Gymnasium, Pentonville, London, 1826.                       Artist: Thomas Sutherland
South-east view of the Royal Exchange's south front, City of London, 1812. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Interior of the Excise Office, Old Broad Street, City of London, 1810. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Interior of the Excise Office, Old Broad Street, City of London, 1810. Artist: Thomas Sutherland
Guildhall, London, 1825. Artist: Richard Dighton