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Detail of Francois Vase, Hephaestus, on a mule, followed by Silenus, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail from the Francois Vase, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail from the Francois Vase, Satyr and Warrior fighting, c6th century BC.  Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail from the Francois Vase,  Ajax carrying the body of Achilles, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail from the Francois Vase, Thetis, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail of Zeus and Hera in a chariot with Kaliope from the Francois Vase, c6th century BC Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Horse Rider Detail from the Francois Vase, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Chariot of Diomedes, Detail from the Francois Vase, c6th century BC Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Francois Vase found in an Etruscan Tomb, 6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail from the Francois Vase, Etruscan Tomb Find, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail from the Francois Vase, Peleus and Atalanta with Calydonian Boar Hunt, c6th century BC Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.