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 8 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Dubois"Advanced Search
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La France reçoit des trois ordres les voeux de toute la Nation.., c1791. Creator: Dubois.
Fete de la Federation (Festival of the Federation), c1791. Creator: Dubois.
Glorification of Louis XVI, "father of the French and king of a free people", 1791. Creator: Dubois.
Oath of the King, Queen and National Guard to the Fatherland, 1791. Creator: Dubois.
Storming of the Bastille. Arrest of Mr. de Launay, c1791. Creator: Dubois.
The Hope of Happiness, dedicated to the Nation, c1791. Creator: Dubois.
Fan, French, 1820-30. Creator: Dubois.
French Calendar for the Year 1816 (Galerie Generale des Souverains des Etats Européens), 1816. Creators: Chevalier Henry Guillot, Dubois.