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 32 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Cornelis de Vos"Advanced Search
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Portrait of a Father and Son, 1626. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of Husband and Wife, after 1635. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of a Lady, 1626. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
The Restitution of the Church Treasures to Saint Norbert after the Defeat of the Heretic..., 1630. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of a Family, 1631. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Abraham Grapheus, 1620. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Donor with Five Sons, c1620s. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
The Adoration of the Magi, 1620. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of Willem van Meerbeeck with Saint William of Aquitaine, 1620. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Barbara Kegeleers and Saint Barbara, 1620. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Calvary, 1623. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of a Woman, 1609. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
The Notary Barthel van den Berghe, 1625. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Elisabeth Hoegaerts, 1625. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Jupiter and Juno, c1620s. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Wife of the donor with five daughters, c1620s. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Epitaph of Willem van Meerbeeck and His Wife Barbara Kegeleers, 1620. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Christ, 1620. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Mater Dolorosa, 1620. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Two Sisters, 1610-1615. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of Antonia Canis, 1624. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Interior, called "Rubens' salon". Creators: Frans Francken II, Cornelis de Vos.
The Card Game. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of a Lady, c17th century. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Last Judgement, 1590-1620. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of a Lady, early 17th century? Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of a Man, 1645. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait Of A Woman, 1645. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of a Woman. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
Portrait of a Young Woman. Creator: Cornelis de Vos.
'David Presenting the Sceptre to Solomon', early 17th century. Artist: Cornelis de Vos
'Portrait of the artist's daughter 'Magdalena de Vos', 1927. Artist: Cornelis de Vos