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'The Fall of the Rebel Angels', c1260, (1849). Creator: Lemercier.
Interlude during the meal, 14th century, (1849). Creator: Kellerhoven.
Souls condemned to Hell, second half of the 15th century, (1849). Creator: Kellerhoven.
Women's hats of different classes of society, 13th-16th century (1849).Artist: Thurwanger Freres
Women of Nuremberg, Germany, 16th century (1849).Artist: Edward May
Swiss costumes, 15th-16th century (1849).Artist: Edward May
Men's hats of different classes of society, 13th-16th century (1849).Artist: Thurwanger Freres
German costumes, 15th-16th century (1849).Artist: Edward May
Costumes, 16th century (1849).Artist: Edward May