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'Worship According to the Armenian Church'.Artist: T Brown
'Hindu Fakirs Practising Their Superstitious Rites Under the Banyan Tree'.Artist: Bell
'Canonization of Saints in St Peter's Church, Rome'.Artist: T Brown
Canonisation of Saints in St Peter's Church, Rome, 1712.Artist: T Brown
'A Japanese Preacher'.Artist: R Young
'The Mufti, Chief of Mohammedan Law'.Artist: James Gardner
'The Greek Patriarch'.Artist: Charles Holl
'The Jewish Feast of Purim or Cots', 1712 (19th century).Artist: James Gardner
'Baptism According to the Church of Rome'.Artist: Andrew Thomas
'A Muscobite Bishop, in His Pontifical Habit'.Artist: JB Bird
'A Baptism According to the Greek Church in Russia'.Artist: W Forrest
'An Abdal, Santon or Kalender, Mohammedan Sect of Devotees'.Artist: R Young