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George, Duke of Cambridge (1819-1910), Field Marshal; Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Jas. B.B. Estcourt (1802-1855) General, Taken at the Crimea Shortly Before his Death 1802-1855, 1855 Creator: Roger Fenton.
Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, Taken on the Field, Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Robert Brownrigg, taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir Charles Ash Windham (1810-1970), General; taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir Geo. Brown, General (1790-1865), Taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir George de Lacy Evans (1787-1870), General, Taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir Harry Jones (1791-1866), General; Chief Engineer Sebastopol, Taken on the spot, Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir Henry William Barnard (1799-1857), General, Chief of Staff; Taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir Hy. Fk. Ponsonby (1825-1892) General; Thomas Hook Pearson (1806-1892) General...Crimea, 1854/55. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir J. Montagu Steele (1820-1890), Military Secretary, Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir Jas. York Scarlett (1799-1880), General, led Charge of Heavy Brigade, Balaclava (left)...Crimea, Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir Jno Fox Burgoyne (1782-1871), Field Marshal, Taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Sir John Miller Adye (1819-1900), General; taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Thomas Graham Russell (1748-1843), General, Taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
A Council of War: Lord Raglan, Omar Pacha and Pelissier, Taken the eve Before the..., Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Admiral Lord Lyons, Taken in the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Archibald Gordon (1812-1886), Principal Medical Officer at the Crimea; Taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Captain Verschoyle, Grenadier Guards (an Early Photographer), Taken at the Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Charles Hind, General, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Colonel Simmons, attaché to Omar Pacha, The Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.