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Execution of the Templars. From «Des Cas des nobles hommes et femmes» by Boccaccio, ca 1435-1440. Creator: Anonymous.
Execution of the Templars, Third Quarter of 15th cen.. Creator: Anonymous.
Execution of the Templars, Third Quarter of 15th cen.. Creator: Anonymous.
Execution of the Templars, Early 15th cen.. Creator: Anonymous.
Execution of the Templars. From Chronique de Baudouin d'Avesnes, ca 1470. Creator: Anonymous.
Baldwin II and Templars. Miniature from the "Historia" by William of Tyre , 13th century. Creator: Anonymous.
Execution of the Templars. From Fleurs des chroniques by Bernardus Guidonis, after 1384. Creator: Anonymous.
Execution of the Templars. From: De casibus virorum illustrium by Giovanni Boccaccio, ca 1435-1440. Creator: Anonymous.
The Siege of Antioch. Miniature from the "Historia" by William of Tyre, c. 1280. Creator: Anonymous.
The siege of Barbastro, 1064. From Fleurs des chroniques by Bernardus Guidonis, after 1384. Creator: Anonymous.
The Appearance of the Holy Grail. From Queste del Saint-Graal, 15th century. Creator: Anonymous.
Procession du Saint Graal. From Roman de Perceval le Gallois et continuations, ca 1330. Creator: Anonymous.
Lancelot at the Chapel of the Holy Grail. From Tristan de Léonois, Early 15th cen.. Creator: Anonymous.
Lancelot at the Chapel of the Holy Grail, 15th century. Creator: Anonymous.
Amazons in battle. From "Histoires Roger", c. 1280. Creator: Anonymous.
Amazons in battle. From Speculum historiale by Vincent de Beauvais, 1334. Creator: Maître de Fauvel (active 1314-1340).
Amazons in battle. From Speculum historiale by Vincent de Beauvais, 1463. Creator: Anonymous.
Amazons. From Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César by Wauchier de Denain, c. 1260-1270. Creator: Anonymous.
Amazons in battle. From Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César by Wauchier de Denain, ca. 1470-1480. Creator: Anonymous.
Amazons in battle. From Liber de natura rerum by Thomas de Cantimpré, um 1290. Creator: Anonymous.
Christine de Pizan builds her city. Miniature from Cité des dames by Christine de Pizan, 1400-1410. Creator: Maître de la Cité des Dames (active ca 1400-1415).
Portrait of Count Johann Friedrich Struensee (1737-1772). Creator: Stein, Theodor Friedrich (c. 1730-1788).
King Henry VIII at the opening of the Parliament of England at Bridewell Palace, 1523. Creator: Wriothesley, Sir Thomas (c. 1460-1534).
Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart, marquise de Montespan (1640-1707), ca 1667. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine (1652-1722), Duchess of Orléans, ca 1671. Creator: Werner, Joseph (1637-1710).
Dance classes. From: De pratica seu arte tripudii (On the Practice or Art of Dancing), 1463. Creator: Anonymous.
Bernard of Clairvaux sending monks to daughter houses, Cistercian monks, 1249-1250. Creator: Anonymous.
First Battle of Panipat, 1526. Miniature from Baburnama, ca 1592. Creator: Anonymous.
The Battle of Auray on 29 September 1364 (Miniature from Compillation..., c. 1480. Creator: Anonymous.
The triumph of Death: the death of Laura. Miniature from Pétrarque, Les Triomphes, 1500-1505. Creator: Serpin, Jean (active 1500-1520).
Atlas of Borso d'Este , ca 1466-1467. Creator: Germanus, Donnus Nicolaus (ca. 1420-ca. 1490).
Procession of the relics of Saint Nicholas. From "Livre de la confrérie Saint-Nicolas de..., Late 15 Creator: Anonymous.
Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours, ca 1332-1350. Creator: Anonymous.
The Sea Beast and the Earth Beast. Miniature from: Apocalypse de saint Jean, ca 1320. Creator: Anonymous.
The sixth angel sounded his trumpet... Miniature from: Apocalypse de saint Jean, ca 1320. Creator: Anonymous.
The Tower of Babel. Creator: Brentel, Friedrich (1580-1651).
The Woman and the Dragon. Miniature from: Apocalypse de saint Jean, ca 1320. Creator: Anonymous.
When He arises to make the earth tremble... Miniature from: Apocalypse de saint Jean, ca 1320. Creator: Anonymous.
When the fifth angel blew his trumpet... Miniature from: Apocalypse de saint Jean, ca 1320. Creator: Anonymous.
The great king on a white horse. Miniature from: Apocalypse de saint Jean, ca 1320. Creator: Anonymous.
The Bible of Borso d'Este, 1455-1461. Creator: Crivelli, Taddeo (1425-1479).
The Bible of Borso d'Este, 1455-1461. Creator: Girolamo da Cremona, (Girolamo de'Corradi) (active 1451-1483).
The Bible of Borso d'Este, 1455-1461. Creator: Crivelli, Taddeo (1425-1479).
Girls Dance. Creator: Franchi (detto il Pollino), Cesare (active last quarter of 16th cen.).
Toghrul III, the last king of the Seljuq Empire, ca 1306-1314. Creator: Anonymous.
Sultan Sanjar and the Old Woman. (From a Manuscript of the Khamsa of Nizami), c. 1660. Creator: Mu'in Musavvir (1617-1708).
The night journey of the Prophet. (From a Manuscript of the Khamsa of Nizami), c. 1620. Creator: Anonymous.
Ascent of Muhammad to Heaven. From Miraj Nameh, 1436. Creator: Anonymous.
Ascent of Muhammad to Heaven. From Miraj Nameh, 1436. Creator: Anonymous.
The descent of Muhammad into the Netherworld. From Miraj Nameh, 1436. Creator: Anonymous.
Miniature of the Selection of astrological treasures by Rumi, ca 1273. Creator: Anonymous.
Matla ul-Anwar (Rising Place of Lights) by Amir Khusrau Dihlavi, c. 1500. Creator: Anonymous.
The capture of a town by Godfrey of Bouillon. Creator: Anonymous.
Cipriano de Rore (1515/16-1565) From Sechsstimmige Motette Mirabar solito laetas, ca 1559. Creator: Mielich (Muelich), Hans (1516-1573).
Bal des Ardents (Miniature from the Grandes Chroniques de France by Jean Froissart), 15th century. Creator: Anonymous.
The Marriage. From: Renaud de Montauban, ca 1465. Creator: Aubert, David (active 1449-1480).
The monk sleeps with the wife while the husband is praying, 1460s. Creator: Anonymous.
Corruption. Miniature from Le livre appellé Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, 1460s. Creator: Anonymous.
Annunciation to the shepherds: country dance. From Heures de Charles d'Angoulême, c. 1480. Creator: Anonymous.
Représentation d'acteurs, mimes et jongleurs. Frontispice du manuscrit Térence dit de Martin Gouge. Creator: Anonymous.