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20pages, 1,142 results in yourCategorysearch for"Sickness & Disease"Advanced Search
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Crowds Gathering Outside of Buckingham Palace...News of the Health of King George V, 1929. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
A Male Civilian Holding up a Bulletin from the Doctor to Crowds Gathering Outside..., 1929. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
American Civilians Walking down the Streets, 1930. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Opening of the Albert Infirmary...the statue of the late Prince Consort, Bishops Waltham..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Rembrandt's hundred-guilder piece, "Christ Healing the Sick", 1869. Creator: Henry Duff Linton.
The Prince of Wales visiting persons at St. Bart's Hospital wounded by Clerkenwell Explosion, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
The Sassoon Hospital at Poonah near Bombay, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Patients & nurses "Sea Breeze Jr.", between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Patient at "Sea Breeze Jr.", between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
German Doctors at Ellis Island, 1912. Creator: Bain News Service.
Quarantined on Hoffman Isl'd, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Plague Ship, which carries suspects to Hoffman Island, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Quarantined children of cholera victim, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Beggar with two crutches, 1632. Creator: Jan Georg van Vliet.
Self-Portrait, 1910. Creator: Egon Schiele.
The late W. Dyce, Esq.. R.A., 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The War in Denmark: temporary field hospital...scene in the amputating hut..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The new hospital for French Protestants, Victoria Park, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Season at Baden-Baden: the Trink-Halle, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Cholera at Malta: the 100th Regiment encamped on the glacis of Fort Manoel, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Dr. Jenner, lately erected at Boulogne, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
"The Foster Sisters", by John Bostock, in the Manchester Exhibition, 1865. Creator: W Thomas.
The Cholera at Malta: sanitary encampment of the 4th (King's Own) Regiment on the Floriana, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Hospital boat, mothers and children on upper deck, 1910. Creator: Bain News Service.
Hospital boat, a mother, her child, and a doctor, upper deck, 1910. Creator: Bain News Service.
Irkutsk Ivano-Matreninskaya Children's Hospital, 1904-1914. Creator: Unknown.
Cripple learning designing, [France], between c1915 and 1918. Creator: Bain News Service.
The Hospital for Women, Soho-Square, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
A group of people being treated in a hospital room, 1900. Creators: I. A. Podgorbunskii, V. I. Podgorbunskii.
"God's Providence House", Watergate-street, Chester, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
New Receiving Room at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Winter entertainments at St. Luke's Hospital: vocal and instrumental concert on Wednesday week, 1862 Creator: Unknown.
The Idiot Asylum at Earlswood, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The London Orphan Asylum at Clapton, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The Royal Hospital for Incurables at Putney, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The Five Principal Institutions founded by the late Dr. Andrew Reed, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The new cancer hospital at Brompton, 1862.  Creator: Unknown.
Garibaldi at Varignano - from a drawing by M. Beaucé, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Peter and Saint John Healing the Cripple at the Gate of the Temple, 16th century. Creator: Parmigianino.
The War in America: bringing in the Federal wounded after the skirmish at Lewinsville..., 1861. Creator: Frederick John Skill.
The Punished Son, 1777-78. Creator: Jean-Michel Moreau.
The Punished Son, 1777-78. Creator: Jean-Michel Moreau.
Park in Kösen, 1906. Creator: Edvard Munch.
A lovely visit, 1894. Creator: Maximilian Kurzweil.
Saint Sebastian Interceding for the Plague Stricken, 1497-1499. Creator: Josse Lieferinxe.
An Accident, 1879. Creator: Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan-Bouveret.
Illustration for Storch's 'Painting of Petersburg', 1792. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plague in an Ancient City (image 1 of 2), between c1652 and c1654. Creator: Michiel Sweerts.
The Servant Inviting the Sick and the Poor to the Banquet, 1559. Creator: Dirck Volkertsen Coornhert.
Appuyez fort, ça fait rentrer la bosse..., 1838. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Mon cher je t'assure que je te..., 1845. Creator: Honore Daumier.
The Morbetto, between circa 1515 and circa 1516. Creator: Marcantonio Raimondi.
Extreme Unction, c1755. Creators: Marco Alvise Pitteri, Pietro Longhi.
Illustration to Act 1 of Heinrich von Kleist's 'The Broken Jug', 1877. Creator: Adolph Menzel.
Ayant eu la fâcheuse idée d'aller...en mer, 1852. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Çomme quoi la gymnastique forme les membres.., 1845. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Wounded Antiochus after His Fall Dictating His Will, 1738. Creator: Noël Hallé.
Christ Healing Lepers, between 1540 and 1563. Creator: Andrea Schiavone.
North-west front of the Asylum near Arlsey, Bedfordshire, for the insane poor of Hertford..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.