Hospital for Consumption, Torquay, 1858. Creator: Unknown.

Hospital for Consumption, Torquay, 1858. Creator: Unknown.

2-982-257 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

Hospital for Consumption, Torquay, 1858. 'This institution was founded in 1850 by a lady living in Wiltshire, who, struck with the large mortality from pulmonary disease which she observed in her visits amongst the poor, desired to procure for the lower classes when afflicted with consumption in its early stage the opportunity of restoration to health which the climate of Torquay, in conjunction with medical treatment, so eminently affords...So rapidly has the institution since risen in public estimation that, during the last season, the beds were nearly all engaged before the house was opened, and many applicants were unavoidably rejected...The establishment is situated in the most desirable part of Torquay...with a southern aspect, and a view of Torbay. It has spacious and lofty rooms and private pleasure-grounds. It is supported entirely by voluntary contributions, and is now fitted for the reception of fifty patients...The season commences on October 1st, and terminates on June 1st, enabling the same patients to remain at Torquay for the entire period of the eight colder months of the year...It is the special object of this institution to afford to the poor those advantages of the climate of Torquay of which the wealthier classes so beneficially avail themselves'. From "Illustrated London News", 1858.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe United Kingdom England Devon Torbay Torquay

  1. 50 27 00 N , 003 30 00 W

Category Hierarchy

Science & Nature Weather & Seasons

Science & Nature Medicine

Locations & Buildings Other

Society & Culture Wealth & Poverty

Society & Culture Sickness & Disease

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 1226x985
File Size : 1,180kb


  1. ILN_1858_Page_094_b.jpg
  1. 0580086646
  1. 2-982-257
  1. 2982257

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