Statues for the Egyptian Hall in the Mansion House: "Egeria" - by J. H. Foley, R.A. , 1856. Creator: Unknown.

Statues for the Egyptian Hall in the Mansion House: "Egeria" - by J. H. Foley, R.A. , 1856.  Creator: Unknown.

2-969-970 - /Heritage Images

Statues for the Egyptian Hall in the Mansion House: "Egeria" - by J. H. Foley, R.A. , 1856. Sculpture as part of a commission for '...poetic statues in marble to decorate the Mansion House of the Lord Mayor of London...They will add materially to the architectural beauty of [George] Dance's building. The architectural requirements of the Hall rendered it necessary that the statues should be standing statues....the Egyptian Hall...will, in point of sculptural decoration, surpass the most beautiful of public or private buildings existing in London..."Egeria" will not diminish the fame which Mr. Foley, A.R.A., has acquired for poetic beauty of conception, grace of outline, and care in execution'. From "Illustrated London News", 1856.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :
  1. John Henry Foley: British: Artist, sculptor

Category Hierarchy

Religion & Belief Mythology

Society & Culture Art & Literature

Locations & Buildings Monuments & Statues

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 1319x2614
File Size : 3,368kb


  1. ILN_1856_Page_332_b.jpg
  1. 1856
  1. 0580080148
  1. 2-969-970
  1. 2969970

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