Small portable sawmill, near Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1939. Creator: Dorothea Lange.

Small portable sawmill, near Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1939. Creator: Dorothea Lange.

2-900-214 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Small portable sawmill, very typical of the sawmills which are cutting small pine and hardwood growth of the area. Note mill and boiler, sawdust pile, stacks of slabs (or outsiders) located in fringe of trees between the highway and a corn field. Near Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Dorothea Lange, attributed to: American: Photographer, artist, photojournalist

  1. Photograph

Picture Type
  1. Nitrate negatives. gmgpc
  2. Still image

Geographic Hierarchy

World North and Central America United States North Carolina Orange Chapel Hill

  1. 35 54 00 N , 079 03 00 W

Category Hierarchy

Trade & Industry Agriculture & Fishing

Locations & Buildings Other

Society & Culture Wealth & Poverty

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4960x3597
File Size : 17,423kb


  1. 2017772388
  1. 1010002911
  1. 2-900-214
  1. 2017772388
  1. 2900214

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