Length of Printed Fabric, France, 1780s. Creator: Unknown.

Length of Printed Fabric, France, 1780s. Creator: Unknown.

2-871-941 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Length of Printed Fabric, France, 1780s.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :

  1. Block printed
  2. Linen and cotton plain weave

Picture Type
  1. Object,textiles

Category Hierarchy

History & Politics Artefacts

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 2664x4960
File Size : 38,712kb


  1. 1972.401
  1. 39186
  1. 1000017502
  1. 1972.401
  1. 2-871-941
  1. 2871941

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