Temple of Victory, ca. 1848. Creator: George Wilson Bridges.

Temple of Victory, ca. 1848. Creator: George Wilson Bridges.

2-778-963 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Temple of Victory, ca. 1848.

Image Details

People Information

  1. George Wilson Bridges, attributed to: British: Writer, photographer and Anglican cleric.

  1. Photograph
  2. Salted paper print from paper negative

Picture Type
  1. Landscape
  2. Panorama

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Greece

  1. 39 00 00 N , 022 00 00 E

World Europe Greece Periféreia Protevoúsis Athens

  1. 37 59 00 N , 023 44 00 E

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4960x3811
File Size : 55,379kb


  1. 2005.100.846a
  1. DP148415.jpg
  1. 0950038575
  1. 2-778-963
  1. 2005.100.846a
  1. 2778963

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