Libya, Cyrene, Museum, 2007. Creator: Ethel Davies.

Libya, Cyrene, Museum, 2007. Creator: Ethel Davies.

2-770-395 - EMD/Then and Now Images/Heritage Images

Head of Demeter (?), ancient Roman sculpture, currently in the archaeological museum of the UNESCO Heritage Site of Cyrene, Libya, Oct 2007.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Ethel Davies, attributed to: American born British: Photographer

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Africa Libya

  1. 25 00 00 N , 017 00 00 E

World Africa Libya lost & found/Libya Shaḥḥāt

  1. 32 49 48 N , 021 51 00 E

Category Hierarchy

History & Politics Artefacts

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3479x5200
File Size : 53,001kb


  1. LIBYA, Cyrene, Museum_0025.tif
  1. 0900000759
  1. 2-770-395
  1. 2770395
  1. LIBYA, Cyrene, Museum_0025.tif

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